A day of gaming~ or not...

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A/n: hai :3 this is my first story! Yayyyy *jazz hands* okay now I'm done celebrating. I'm super sorry for any mistakes I make >_< anywho this story will mainly follow ocarina of time, soo yeah... have fun reading!

* 3rd person point of view*

A young girl is on her phone, bored out of her mind.

"This. Is. So. Boring! Sheesh I'll just read a book!" She said ( I'm gonna try to not do 'she said' 'he said' to much, sorry if I do...)

While the girl went to her bookshelf, an old gamecube caught her eye. She soon forgets her plan of reading a book, and instead goes to the gamecube. "I remember this I used to play it all the time! I wounder if it still works..." with that she plugs the gamecube into the wall and put the jacks in the t.v. The gamecube comes in with a slight buzz and the intro of the cube rolling into the shape of another cube. The girl smiles when she sees what game is in it, The legend of Zelda: collectors addition. The girl looks at the games then narrows it down to two, Ocarina of Time or Majora's mask. "Well good ol' Oot did come out first, so I guess I'll play it first~" she said. With that the girl clicked Ocarina of Time and hit start. Two of the save slots were already filled and beaten which left one, her older siblings must have played this alot (if you don't have older siblings then you do now!)... She decided to keep the classic hero name, link. After that she realized the controller was getting really warm but she shrugged it off thinking it was only because the gamecube wasn't all that new and in it's full glory. The game then start with the scene of Link's dream, but that didn't happen it was just a picture of the girl. The girl was very confused then looks at her hands realizing that the controller is practically burning her hands, when she looks back up at the screen it flashes white. Then the girl starts feeling sleepy and fuzzy, then falls asleep.

*? Point of view*

Ah, she finally fell asleep. Now to use her for my plans~

Link x reader Going back in time~ &lt;discontinued&gt;Where stories live. Discover now