Meeting link~

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(A/n: uh hi I just realized I wasn't using paragraphs haha yeah... *sweatdrop* oh and you are 11-12 right now and so Malon, Link and all the others... ** Have fun reading! ~ kitzycat)

       *links point of view*( ohhh~ i bet you are all "it's about time #°^°" XD)

I continue my quest looking for princess Zelda but man it gets dark fast! Right now I'm running from these monsters that are made of bones... I run into a place with horses, the great duku tree told me about them.

      When I knocked on the door a voice shouted at me that they are trying to sleep and don't want to be bothered. So i fell asleep next to the pots near the house.

  *timeskip to morning*

       "Hey! Listen!" 'That fairy i say....'

        I hear a young girl talking to another person, i open my eyes and flush pure cherry red when i see two girls that look my age, one with (h.l) (h.c) hair and (e.c) eyes, the other with orange-red hair and blue eyes. I look at both of them until the one with orange hair speaks up "hi! My name is Malon, and this is..."

She stops there and looks at the other girl.

       The one with (h.c) speaks " (y.n), nice to meet you " then they both smile at me, i wasn't used to girls being so nice to me that wasn't Saria... "uh.. hello I'm link. Nice to meet you too." The one with orange hair giggles while the other is speaking to Navi.

     " I need to go, do you know where Hyrule castle is?"

       Then a man comes out if the house "you need to get to Hyrule castle?" I nod "well lucky you we were just about to go there to deliver some milk! You can tag along if ya want."

       "Oh thanks." I say.

   The girl whose name was (y.n) stops talking to Navi and turns to me "well lets go~"

(A/n: Ah i'm sorry it's so short! But hey you guys are going to Hyrule castle! Yayyy! )

Link x reader Going back in time~ <discontinued>Where stories live. Discover now