Waking up~

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* your point of view *

"Ahg... my head.... " I slowly get up rubbing my head. I look around at my surroundings, noticing I'm in someone's house. I continue looking around and notice a girl with beautiful orange-red hair, she turns to face me.

"Oh, hello! I see you are awake. How are you feeling? Alright? Are you hungry? I could go and-"

A fairly large man comes into the room

"Malon stop questioning the poor girl, she just woke up and is probably very confused."

" sorry father! " the girl that was questioning you is now simply staring at you with curiosity shining in her eyes.

"Oh... I'm fine thank you, I'm just a little thirsty is all. And yes I am very confused.... Where am I?

The man that told the girl to stop questioning me looked at me and smiled "well you are at lon lon ranch! And lucky you we serve the best milk in Hyrule! Malon how 'bout you go and get the nice lady a sample?"

"Sure thing!" The girl whose name is supposedly Malon chirped then she ran out the door and down some stairs.

I turn to the man "how did I get here, sir?"

"Well thank you, I have no idea how I can repay you guys!"

Just then the girl whose name I learned was Malon came into the room with a glass of rich milk.

"Here you go! I put two servings in there for you! Enjoy~" with that she gives me the glass of milk. I look at it then take a gulp. "Whoa... this. Is. Amazing!"

"Thanks little lady! Glad you like it."

"Like it? This is THE best thing I have ever drank!"

(A/n: thats the end of this chappie and don't worry guys you'll be meeting Link soon~ XD okay the next chapter is gonna be in Malon's point of view when she finds you, okay? *everyone yells okay* okay! :D)

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