Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

Hey this is my first fanfic so hope you enjoy!

Before the war between the three factions that claimed so many lives, one of the greatest devil houses was the house of Marvell. This household had a reputation that in battle whoever had a Marvell on their side would come out the victors due to their complete mastery over air magic and its healing properties. It was said that a Marvell could heal any injury no matter how severe. Due to this unparalleled ability they were some of the first casualties in the Great War. The house did not survive the war.

We see a 16 year old girl with fair skin, long dark blue hair flowing down her back to her waist, two bangs framing her delicate face and caring brown eyes. She is wearing a white with vertical linings, long-sleeved, button-down shirt and a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape with a matching button-down corset and a magenta skirt with white accents. This is Wendy Marvell Gremory in her Kuoh Academy uniform. She is a second year at Kuoh and in a class with her friend Koneko.

Koneko is a petite girl with white, shoulder length hair and golden eyes. She has several loose bangs hanging over her forehead with a short bob cut at the back. Koneko is currently discussing the events that transpired the previous night with Rias Gremory, her king and Wendy's older sister, on their way to the Occult Research Club.

The Occult Research Club is acting as a home base for Rias and her peerage. Wendy, even though not part of Rias' peerage is also a member because of her family bond with Rias.

"I heard Rias got a new pawn she had her eyes on yesterday" said Koneko, with almost everyone Koneko is quiet and does not say much but since Koneko was accepted into Rias' peerage she and Wendy became best friends and she is open and talkative when it is only her and Wendy.

"Really, any idea who it is, she didn't tell me this morning" asked Wendy not bothered that Rias didn't say anything to her.

"Nope, we will just have to wait and see I guess" Koneke said while they approached a three story building with the third story serving as a clock-tower. It is painted white with a black roof with vines creeping up to the second story. This is the Occult Research Club(ORC) building.

They entered the wood-panelled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs. One side is set up to be used as a bath, a large Gremory Family magic circle, to allow teleportation to and from clients, is also there. The other side sports a large fully stocked kitchen for when someone wants to make something to eat.

Inside the two friends sees the faces of Rias Gremory, a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue eyes and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature though is her long beautiful crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs with a single ahoge sticking out from the top. She also has loose bangs covering her forehead and framing her face. She is a high-class devil with her own peerage, president of the ORC and heiress of the Gremory Family.

Next is Akeno Himejima, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail reaching all the way down her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backwards with an orange ribbon keeping them in place. She is the queen of rias and her closest friend.

Next up is Yuuto Kiba, he is a handsome young man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He is the school's pretty boy who is adored by many female students and hated by his fellow male students. He is the knight of Rias.

The last person though is completely unexpected, he is a boy of average height with short spiky brown hair with two short locks behind his head and light brown eyes. This is Issei Hyoudou, a member of the schools "perverted trio", a trio of the most perverted men in the entire school.

"Ah, Koneko and Wendy welcome. Come meet our newest member Issei Hyoudou" Rias said cheerfully.

Koneko just silently gives a small nod of acknowledgment while Wendy gives a bow and greets him. Issei instantly starts checking the two younger girls out, ogling them and begins to advance on them with grabby hands. This causes them a large amount of discomfort.

Koneko was about to move in and deliver a devastating gut punch to the perverted boy. She really hates it when men are perverted and due to the fact that until recently Kuoh Academy was an all-female school.

This caused most of the new male students to be a bit perverted and caused most of the girls to see every male as a womanizing pervert. But before she could do anything to the pervert he fell to the ground screaming.

"What is this? It feels like I'm burning alive" the boy screeched. He rolled around on the ground in pain. Rias sees that Wendy look uncomfortable and realises how Issei's behaviour must have made her feel she goes to give the girl a calming hug and whispers "It is all right Wendy he won't do anything, please calm down." This seemed to work as Issei stopped screaming in agony. Through laboured breaths Issei asked "What just happened?"

Koneko smirks at the pain the pervert was in and quietly states "That's what you get, pervert."

Issei slumps down on the couch and looks at Rias, "What just happened Buchou?"

"I am not entirely sure what causes it but this sort of thing has happened a few times whenever Wendy gets uncomfortable in a situation. Ever since we were young it was as if someone is watching over her ensuring her safety and comfort" Rias explains.

"It always feels like someone is protecting me and whenever I feel sad or down I feel a warm sensation around me that calms me down. Anyone or anything who tried to harm me in any way in the past always got burned or felt extreme heat and discomfort. I don't know why this happens though" Wendy added to Rias' explanation.

"Seems like someone is always watching out for you" stated Kiba. Wendy gives him a friendly smile.

"Anyway Issei as I was explaining as a devil you must make contract with clients to increase your strength" Rias tells Issei before turning to Koneko and asking "Would it be all right if Issei takes one of your clients tonight so that he can get a feel for it?"

"Sure" was Koneko's short reply.

"Thank you, ok then Issei here is the address for your first client. You just go over and do what they request of you and then they will give the payment. Go to the teleportation circle and we will send you over to them" Rias says.

After the glow from the magic circle dims and Issei is still there it is determined that he does not have enough demonic energy to teleport and had to go to the client by bike.

After the day was done and everyone payed their clients a visit they all went home. Rias can now be seen talking to Wendy at home while they eat.

Wendy shares a large house with Rias here in the human world. It is a large two story house with four rooms on the upper floor. The lower floor has a big reception area connected to spacious living room, a small office like room and a sizable kitchen. This is all payed for with the Gremory family's wealth due to their high status in the devil realm. Everyone invited to home

"What is your opinion on Issei?" Rias asked.

"He seems like a nice person when you look past his perverseness. I hope we can be good friends" Wendy replied with a smile.

"I don't think you will have to worry about his perverseness after today" Rias replied giggling.

They ate while talking about the day and then went to bed awaiting the adventure the next day would bring.

And that is chapter 1 hope you all enjoyed and let me know if i missed a big event, I'm not the biggest DxD fan but i enjoyed the fanfic i read that is FT x DxD so I wanted to write my own. And if there is any grammatical errors feel free to point it out. I will also upload on under the same name

See ya next time

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