Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

---With the Satans---

"Excuse me, if I may I think I have a solution," Rias made her presence known.

"Rias, mind sharing with us?" Sirzechs asked with a smile, he had an idea as to what his little sister was about to suggest.

"I, along with my peerage will face Loki, we will act as a diversion. That should solve the problem you had with Lord Odin fetching Mjolnir," Rias said.

"So if I understand you correctly you want to stall Loki while Lord Odin Fetches Mjolnir, then when he returns you and your peerage, with the use of Mjolnir, can defeat Loki all the while us leaders can stay out of the fight and solve the problem of another potential mass conflict?" Sirzechs asked to clarify, though he had a proud smirk on his face at the suggestion that his sister came up with.

"Yes, the power of my peerage has grown in the past few months and this will be a perfect opportunity to show it to the underworld," Rias replied with a more serious face.

"You always were faster to pull the trigger compared to me, and it seems like this is no different," Sona said from her spot behind Serafall.

"You want to aid her as a diversion?" Serafall asked her sister with one eyebrow raised, yet amusement sparkled in her eyes.

"Yes, we will act on your behalf if you want to look at it in that light," Sona replied, earning a proud smile from Serafall.

"Then I would suggest Irina joining this party, that is if she wants to," Michael said while turning to look at the brunette behind him.

"This is a joining of the different factions. It simply wouldn't do if only the devils stand up to Loki," Irina answered with a smile.

"I will be in attendance as well, for Asgard," Rossweisse said from her position behind Odin.

"I want to join as well, I know I'm not part of Rias' peerage but I will not let my friends go into battle alone," Wendy said with a fierce determination, getting a kind smile from Rias and a proud one from Sirzechs.

"It seems like we are all in agreement, prepare yourselves to depart shortly, you will need to buy as much time as you possibly can and please, stay safe," Sirzechs said, dismissing the meeting.

"Rias, Sona, can I have a moment of your time?" Azazel asked the two devils as they were about to exit the room.

"How can we help you?" Rias asked as she and Sona turned around.

"Don't go rushing into combat with Loki once you face him, remember your goal here is to stall him for as long as you possible can until you have Mjolnir in your possession. Try and get him to talk," Azazel said with a serious expression. Even though he was a Fallen Anger, their leader to be precise, he had grown to like the group of devils at Kuoh Academy.

"We will try our best, just don't keep us waiting too long," Rias replied with a smirk.

---With Grayfia---

Grayfia was standing on a balcony, looking out to the forest with a longing look. The air around her heated up to a comforting warmth and Grayfia leaned into the muscular body that came up behind her. She closed her eyes and soaked in the warmth that only one man can provide.

"Had fun while I was gone?" Natsu's calm voice sounded from behind her ear.

"Yeah, but if you were here we would have the stench of wet dog everywhere," Grayfia replied with a smile as she opened her eyes to look at Natsu.

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