The one that got away

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She had literally barged in his life like she owned him, and she left like she never came.

Leaving the two men dumbfounded.

"She sure is something." Robert commented when the door closed shut. William just stood there, seeing her walk away he felt something nip his chest. And he wondered, how she had that effect on him.
They exchanged merely a few words to each other, so what was wrong with him?

"You alright, mate?" Robert asked, a hint of concern at his bestfriend's expression. He looked troubled, like he was debating himself.

"Yea--I just need to--" William started, heading for the door. He jogged hoping he'll catch up to her, and then what?
Ask her name, that's a start.

He quickly scanned the restaurant for the Asian woman, only to see her right outside. He walked out immediately hoping to catch up to her. But luck was not in his side. The second he stepped through the front door, she stepped inside the cab, driving away moments later.

He wanted to shout something, call out maybe, to catch her attention. But why would he? She was just a woman. Yet, why did it felt like he knew her? Why did it felt like he just lost something very important?

"Will?" Robert caught his attention, he had been a step behind his bestfriend from the start.
William turned, and his friend's expression surprised him, it was sadness. Why was he sad? And it hit him, his friend was simply mirroring his face.

"Are you alright?" Robert added.

"I--" William started, he wanted to say: 'I didn't get her name.'
Something he felt as though was very important but that would sound ridiculous, yet it was the truth.

Robert nodded in understanding, gave him a reassuring pat on the back, and said, "Let's try the Restaurant, if we're lucky they might just give us a name."

William nodded, and the two walked back inside the restaurant.

"You sure you're alright?" Robert asked an hour later, looking at him from the rearview mirror. William sitting on the backseat. They had finished dinner together, and Robert was going to drop him at his flat.

Francine a tall, skinny brunnette, Robert's fiance was sitting beside him while he drove them home. They failed to get the name of the Asian woman, the management refusing to give information of their customers. Completely understandable. As celebrities, the need for privacy is something they can fully comprehend.

"It's bonkers, I know. But, I just feel like--I missed something very important." Will said in hushed tone. Robert nodded, knowing full well how he felt, his gaze resting on Francine; the love of his life.

The woman remained quiet, just listening, not really knowing what to say. She had realized something had happened when the two returned from the loo with somber expressions.

"Problem?" she had asked, as the two took their seat at the table.

"William probably just met his soulmate." Robert answered, leaning to whisper to her.
And she responded in surprise and enthusiasm, "Ooh, then why do you two look so sad?" she asked.

"Because she left before he could even ask her name." Robert explained, and Francine pouted looking at William and said, "I'm sorry, Will, darling." reaching to pat his hand on the table for a moment.

"Thanks, Fran." William said, smiling at his bestfriend's fiance.

Robert sighed silently as he drove, knew full well it was sincere, whatever it was Will felt. A man, even a brilliant actor at that, Robert reckon cannot 'act' the expression William made as he watched the woman leave. It was filled with so much sorrow, so much regret.

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