First read

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El and Will sat beside each other in the living room, both holding a cup of freshly made tea. "So, you have questions." El started, recognizing the look on his face.

"I don't know what to say, I'm still processing it." Will admitted. He felt shy suddenly, self conscious, and most of all starstruck. And thats coming from someone who had worked with a number of high profile celebrities in Hollywood and did not bat an eyelid. He felt like shrinking in his seat, as she continued to look at him with those big brown eyes. He'd read her book numerous times in preparation for the role, and he enjoyed every minute of it. The way she stiched words together in harmony, made his imagination soar. It felt like an adventure everytime.

"Hi." The word passed his lips before he even realized it. "Hi." El replied, a shadow of a smile was on the corner of her lips, amused by his sudden bashfulness. Will turned away from her, attempting to conceal the boyish smile spreading on his lips. Would it be weird if he asked an autograph after this? Does she even give out autographs?

"Okay, alright." He said, mostly to collect himself.

"Where are you from?" he asked, curious. "I was born and raised in the Philippines." she answered, after taking a sip. "Are you half-spanish or--?" he pried noting her last name was Ramirez.

"No, both my parents are Filipino's. If its about my last name, historically speaking Philippines was colonized by Spain for 333years, thus the last name." El informed.

"I see, how old are you?" Will asked, this question was more of a personal inquiry.

"I'm 29, and you?" she answered, surprising Will who thought she was 25 at most.

"I am 33 years old." earning a nod.

"Most importantly, why did you hide your identity?" And finally, Will asked the question of the century. He was half expecting something philisophical, something that will move him. Maybe challenge the way he viewed the world. But instead she said, "I dont like people." and he choked on his drink.

A smile crept on El's face, watching him choke on tea with her reply. She found him amusing, entertaining even.

"Really?" Will asked, wondering if she was teasing him again. It wasnt the first time after all.

"Well, yes. I generally dont like dealing with people. I find it tiresome. Book signing, meet and greet seemed too tedious to me. But I think thats not the answer you wanted to hear, and you're disappointed." El said, holding a grin.

"No, no, its fine. I just didnt expect that answer." Will confessed,

"Were you expecting me, no. I mean, were you expecting R.E Devlin to be some philisophical genius, perhaps someone bigger than life? Or maybe one that can change the world?" El assumed, she knew she hit the bullseye with his reaction.

"All these time, I know people had placed the R.E Devlin in some sort of pedestal. Pedestal they created themselves." El said, Will noticed she was speaking in third person.

"You say it like RE Devlin is not you." he commented

"Its not me, atleast the RE Devlin people had created for themselves. I am ME, Ela Devlin Ramirez, came from a Third World country, who likes to paint and travel. People have their own expectations of who or what RE Devlin is 'supposed' to be. I'm not some bearded wise old man as many assumes." El said, chuckling at the last part. She had read a number of theories regarding her identity. From a university professor, a polymath, to a wise grandfather that lives in the suburbs.

"Mr. Knigthly, I'm just a girl. But I wont let anyone dfine me, and unlike most people, I like ME." El expressed confidently, a mischivioues smile on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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