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(This is when they become roommates)
Garroth pov
Ok so here I am in bed but how did I get here. 

Let me review the past 24 hours. I wake up go to the university after went with Aphmau for lunch. Went home, Laurence made us food. Normal day I'd say. Ok next I remember Laurence asking me to join him for a mixer, which I agreed too. We went to a bar there was Travis waiting for us with Katelyn and some of her friends. Laurence got really drunk at one point so we called a night and I carried him home on my back.
For a ex-jock he's pretty thin and light. We arrive home and I lay him on his bed and get up to go to my room. But Laurence grabbed my hand. And pulled me for a kiss.
'if this is a dream don't wake me up' he said.

Smut alert
He continued kissing me, I trying to resist but he was really good at the whole kissing thing. I feel his hand jumbling around my belt unbuckling it. I might have been drunk too because I let him do what he wanted. He exposed my dick and started kissing it and licking it up and down. I was licking my fingers and the other hand It was in Laurence's pants groping his ass. I take my hand out of my mouth and started fingering his ass. While I was doing that he was sucking slowly on my dick. He stopped to breathe. And he look at me and we started to make out, our moans filling the room. I get tired of waiting I flip us around and spread his legs as much as they could while I threw his pants on the floor. I take of my pants and line up my dick to his hole. I slowly enter and waited to move. Once Laurence gave me a sign to move I began thrusting slowly getting faster and harder until we both came. We switch potions(Laurence still being bottom though) and did it again. Until we both collapsed on each other falling asleep.
So that's what happened. Oh god, how could I do that with Laurence. I can't even run away, one we're roommates, two he's currently cuddling me. He's actually cute when he's sleeping, NO GARROTH! This guy is your best friend. He is not cute. But you did have sex multiple times with your best friend. Oh god what if we won't be friends because of this. No that can't happen. Actually what time is it? 10 : 00. Hmm I guess Dante slept at his girlfriend's last night. Thank god. I hear movement under the covers.
'How you feeling?'
'Horrible! What happened last night and why are we naked?'
'I'll be honest with you Laurence because your my best friend. In simple terms we had sex.'
'We what?'
'This is probably going to ruin our friendship now isn't it?'
'Let me think about it while I shower can you make breakfast.'
He slowly got of the bed and got ready for a shower. I get up too and notice that something was coming out of his ass.
'umm Laurence'
'how do I say this politely, y-you *blushes* (gets closer to him) you got cum coming out of your ass. Umm d-don't forget to clean it up.'
'oh umm thanks'
'i'll make some food'
And off he went to shower, I put some pants on and go to make food. I couldn't get Laurence out of my head, those thin carved tan legs, that small little body that I can hold so nicely in my arms, that stupid hair, those stupid eyes and those stupid lips. Those stupid lips and what he can do with them. Oh god no this can't be happening, I think I've fallen for my best friend. I finish making food noticing Laurence hasn't come out the shower yet.
Laurence pov
There I was trying my hardest to get the cum out but I couldn't reach all the way. Man Garroth must have been huge to reach so far in my ass. I suddenly hear a knock.
'Unusual the only person who knocks is Dante and I'm pretty sure he's not here'
'Haha real funny, are you good do you need help?'
'well kinda'
I go to the door and unlock it letting him in.
'Whats the problem'
I know he's avoiding to look at me naked as much as possible but I have to ask him for help.
'can get the remaining cum out please'
I start positioning my self so that my ass was in the air and facing Garroth.
'*gulp* y-yeah o-okay'
'Don't worry take your time.'
He must have been real nervous. I mean if your best friend told you to take out cum from his ass I guess it would be weird. But eventually he began taking the cum I couldn't reach with his hand. While he was doing this I realized how big his hands were, God I'm so pathetic, Garroth has been my best friend since day one but when did my perspective change. I think it was senior year of highschool that's when I realized I'm in love with Garroth. I was cut of thoughts with Garroth's fingers going deeper and grazing my g-spot.
I let out a moan which I quickly cover my mouth out of embarrassment. I could definitely hear his smirk as he thrusted his hand deeper.
'AHH! Garroth stoooop'
'I'm only cleaning you up'
'AHH! Your doing this on _ ah! Purpose'
'its just that your hole is twitching like crazy like its wanting something'
'ah! Omg stop it that's enough'
'hmm I don't think your dick agrees'
'No don't touch Ahhhh'
'sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over these sexy moans.'
'your tightening around my fingers are you sure you don't want something else'
'oh please sir Garroth please put your dick inside of my hole'
He chuckles and removes his fingers. He aims his dick to my hole and sticks it in.
'oh god your moans are so cute'
He thrusts in and out and also starts to make out with me. As we were at it we hear Dante opening the front door. We give each other like what the hell are we supposed to do.

'Anyone home?'
'uh Yeah I'm here, I think Laurence went out why?'
'oh I'm going to go out again so tell him I'm not here when you see him Garroth.
'no problem *thrusts and covers Laurence's mouth so he won't moan loudly* I tell him'
'oh also tell him that his sister is visiting today because I saw her yesterday'
'do you know what time? *Continues thrusting*'
'*whisper* Omg Garroth I'm going to kill you'
'oh I'm I think she said after noon'
'*thrusts harder* ok I'll keep it in mind'
'*quietly moans*'
'okay then I'm leaving'
He leaves and closes the door.
We both came and out of breath. He pulls out slowly and rest on the wall.
'Garroth what are we?'
'what ever you want to be sweet heart'
'ew never call me that. Well what if we started dating?'
'We'd be the best couple for sure then'
'Laurence you shine like no one else so do you want to be my boyfriend?'
'okay how about we actually shower'
'haha yes of course'

Yeah i'm a old Aphmau fan. The Starlight and Emerald secret hole deal KILLED  ME. IT's BEEN 3 YEARS MAN. i still remember the whole story. Aphmau series got me through highschool. Ok bye my Weebs. Keep being you.

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