Prinxiety~ Neko AU Request

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I'ma do number 1 thank chu DaughterOfPrinxeity for the idea I'm not sure what warning there will be

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I'ma do number 1 thank chu DaughterOfPrinxeity for the idea
I'm not sure what warning there will be. Mentions of past abuse and smut of course Virgil will be going through his heat and Roman is forced to help him. Pretty vanilla I think unless I get bored and decide to throw kinks in,

Roman POV

I'm walking down the street home from work. Its been illegal to own Nekos for around 2 years now but some people still do. I'm proud to look for those people and rescue the Neko's.
I hear a scream as I'm walking in a bad neighbor hood. I take off running as I see a man leave the run down old house get on a motorcycle and race away. He was not capable to make that high pitched of a scream so i rush into the house to see who it is. I rush around the first floor and see that it's absoulutly filthy. There's no one there and looks to be no upstairs or basement so I'm about to leave until i hear crying coming from behind one of the walls. I start probing the wall until I realize its a door. I take out my switchblade and force the door open. Inside is a little neko.
"m-mas-ma-mast-ter?" he stumbled out as he backed away.
"Shh its ok come here I won't hurt you." he slowly crawls twords my hand. Once he's close enough I reach out and scratch his ear.
"wh-who ar-are y-you"
"hi my name is Roman Prince whats your name" tears were already leaking from his eyes as he had never been shown any kindness since he had been sold to his master
"i-I don't-t kn-know. Ma-master alw-ways ju-just ca-alle-ed me sl-lut and wh-hore. s-some-t-tim-mes h-he wo-oul-ld ca-all me bi-bitch."
"shh come here" i say holding out my arms." lets get you out of here." he crawls onto my lap slowly like I'm about to beat him. I wrap my arms around his waist and pick him up. He lets out a squek in surprise.
I carry him outside and take him home. I set him on the counter and see how bad of a shape he's in. His ears are constantly angled downwards in fear and he never looks up. He's almost completely naked other than a filthy pair of boxers that are way to large for him and a zip-up jacket that hangs loosely around his thin fragile frame. He is covered in bruises, hickeys, cuts, and all types of horrible things. His fur is tangled and dirty. I turn and grab my first aid kit and take it to the bathroom where I turn on the hot water for a bath. I go back to the kitchen and see he hasn't moved. I slowly approach him and hug him he seems startled and just sits there letting me hold him.
"Water is warming up so you can take a bath ok?" I softly wisper
"o-okay" he alows he to pick him up again and wraps his legs around my waist and arms around my neck this time. I bring him to the bathroom and he's half asleep so I sit on the toilet and just hold him while fixing the water temperature. Once I have it at a calming temperature I let the tub fill up and slowly rock back and forth. Once the tub is filled I gently shake him awake which causes him to try to push back until he realizes it's not his 'master'.
"Hey the bath is ready"
"o-okay" he alows me to remove his jacket and boxers and place him in the water where I slowly wash him and detangle his fur.
"wh-why are y-you be-being s-so ni-nice t-to a fr-frea-eak li-like m-me?"
"Aw your not a freak" I reassure him as I grab a towel and drain the water from the tub. I wrap him up and set him on the toilet where I knelt and began to bandage his wounds. He watched me with wide eyes confused but grateful.
"Come on lets go get you some clothes." I say. He nods his head and holds up his arms to be carried.  I pick him up and carry him to my room where I dress him.

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