𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤

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A/N I never cleared this up but her name is pronounced like Cory :)
Cuori's POV
"C, hurry up! We were supposed to meet the guys at Medda's 3 minutes ago!" Shiner called as I quickly pulled on my beat up white Chuck Taylors rushing out of the room.
  "I'm coming! Geez! Don't flip ya lid!" I called to my best friend. Rushing down the stairs and out the door, jumping over the car door and starting it. "Cmon Shiner! We were supposed to meet the guys at Medda's 3 minutes ago!" I mocked her. The redhead rolled her eyes, taking her spot in the passenger seat of the ruby convertible.
  "Remind me to get a ride with Race and Albert next time." She huffed.
"I'll save ya from being stuck with those two nosebleeds." I said backing out of the driveway.
"At least they're on time!" Shiner complained, turning on the radio and flipping through stations. We pulled up to the average sized diner and parked next to Albert's blue Chevrolet. I hopped out of the car first and Shiner quickly followed.
"'Bout time ya showed up!" Romeo called out from our usual large booth in the corner. I walked over to the group taking off my jacket and throwing it over my shoulder.
  "We aren't even that late!" I defended.
   "We ordered curly fries without you." Finch said loading his slingshot with one and taking aim for Tommy Boy, who was on the other side of the table. I put my hand over my heart in mock offense.
"How dare you!" Shiner and I sat down at the booth as she pulled out a school folder.
"Shine, would ya put that away? Live a little." I scolded.
"C'mon sis, enjoy the moment with your amazing OLDER brother!" Albert added. Shiner rolled her eyes
"By 2.5 minutes! Don't let it get to ya head." she said
"Already has." I mumbled. Albert just rolled his eyes.
"So Cuori, how was school today?" Jack asked.
"You were there with me." I deadpanned.
He shrugged "Just trying to strike a conversation." I laughed.
"Tommy!" Medda scolded from behind the counter.
"Sorry Medda." Tommy apologized quietly.
"I'm gonna go get some food. What do ya want Shine?" I said, turning to my best friend.
"The usual." she stated. I snatched the folder from her on my way up.
"C! Give that baaacckkk!" She complained. I threw the folder at Albert and he tucked it away. Shiner huffed again leaning back in her seat. I was about to walk to the counter when the bell rang for the door and 3 familiar faces walked in. I immediately ran back to the bench sliding into my seat as my face flushed with color.
"What's goin' on Cuori?" Race interrogated.
"Nothing." I rushed.
"It's Spot Conlon." Shiner teased elbowing me playfully.
"Stooppp." I shoved her arm away.
"You should go up there!" she said excitedly.
"What! Are you outta your mind?" I exclaimed.
"No. I'm just saying, go up there, see if he strikes up a conversation!" Shiner shrugged, stealing a fry from Albert.
"Him." I gestured to Spot and his little group as Shiner nodded her head. "Start a conversation," I pointed to myself "with me."
"Yes!" Shiner said, nodding her head excitedly. I sighed shifting my gaze to the greaser. Everyone in our gang new about my not-so-little crush on the infamous Spot Conlon. He was the star player for our school's football team and a TOTAL dreamboat. I gave into Shiner's pleads
"Fine." I got up as the table cheered but quickly shut up when I glared at them. "Hey Medda!" I said sitting on a teal leather stool just two seats away from Spot.
"Cuori! Hon, how ya been?" the cheerful lady asked.
"Fine. Can ya get me and Shiner the usual? Guys didn't wait for us." I said playfully glaring at them as they gave me nervous smiles.
"Sure hon!" I stayed at the bar glancing in Spot's direction every now and then. There was a really pretty blonde flirting with him, probably a cheerleader. I sighed a bit. I could never measure up to the pretty cheerleaders. I spent my free time studying and on the stage, while they spend their free time going to parties and spending late nights at the drive-in. Medda also owned a drive-in. The most popular one in town, same with the diner. She was a busy lady, and I don't know how she does it. Medda handed me the orders of curly fries and went back into the kitchen to make the milkshakes.
"So, do all of you get curly fries every time?" Spot asked suddenly. My heart exploded and my stomach did a backflip
"Uh, yeah. Kinda like a joke now." I said shrugging and laughing awkwardly.
"What kind of milkshakes do ya get?" Normally I don't like a lot of questions, but it was Spot Conlon! Talking to me!
"Vanilla. Shine and I aren't a very exciting pair." He cocked an eyebrow.
"Shine?" He inquired.
"Oh yeah. Sorry. Shiner, she's my best friend." With a sudden boost of confidence I decided to tease him. "Who was that blonde?" I asked playfully cocking an eyebrow. He laughed a bit looking down at his coke.
"Aahhh, no one. Just another paper shaker that won't leave me alone." he stated.
"I know how ya feel." Wait no I don't. Shit. "I mean. Not really. No one ever seems to like me. Like...that. Ya know? Oh God, I'm so awkward just kill me." I buried my head in my hands as Spot chuckled softly.
"Well it was nice talking to ya Cuori." He said hopping off the stool.
"Nice talking to you too." Spot left the diner his 2 friends next to him. I swiveled around in my seat towards the table of smiling boys. I mouthed a dramatic 'Oh my God' as Shiner let out a squeal and Race gave a huge thumbs up.
"I'd say you're making progress." Medda joked, handing me the milkshakes.
"He just asked me what kind of milkshake I liked, I would hardly call that progress." I told her as I looked out the windows of the diner to see Spot, Ace, and Clubs driving away.
"But he talked to you?" Medda questioned.
"Yeah but, I don't know, he's more likely to end up with a pretty blonde cheerleader." I said sadly getting up and walking back over to the table. Shiner immediately attacked her fries as if her life depended on eating them over the span of 2 seconds. I sat down gloomily at my seat picking at my fries.
"Cmon C! Cheer up! Spot Conlon just talked to ya!" Race exclaimed.
"Yeah, but he just asked me what kind of milkshake I liked and he is way more likely to end up with a cheerleader." I sighed staring at the door as if he was going to come back in.
"Cuori, you are so much better than those snobs. They call themselves cheerleaders? Please, you can jump and kick way higher than all of them combined!" Albert assured me. Jack let out a gasp.
"Come with us to the game Friday!" he suggested. I hadn't been to a game since freshman year, since I was too busy with dance now. But I couldn't use dance as an excuse now. It was cancelled for this week.
"Yeah! We're all going, it'll be fun!" JoJo piped up. I thought over the decision.
"I'll have ta take you up on that offer." I said with a smirk. The boys all cheered as I smiled at them.
"We are gonna have so much fun!" Finch exclaimed shooting another fry at Tommy Boy.
"Ok. THATS IT!" I shook my head laughing.
This should be fun.

A/N hey! New book! Sorry for all the oc stories but I just really love them. :)

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