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🚨🚨 kind of really the whole chapter I will try to break it up :)

Cuori POV
I joined Shiner outside the auditorium for rehearsal. We were going to be blocking and rehearsing the rumble scene, which meant Riff's death. I was going to need to really try at acting for this one.

"Hey you guys! You ready for today?" Davey asked me excitedly.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I replied happily.

"Alright let's get to work!" Hannah called out.

We messed around during the blocking of the scene, being stupid and over dramatic. When it actually came time to run the scene everything got serious. According to Hannah and Davey, my acting was on point, which gave me a sense of confidence in myself with this role.

"Riff look at me. Riff cmon!" Davey's acting was so good it made me want to cry. But I was dead. You don't cry when you're dead. We finished off the rest of the scene, me just chilling there on the floor.

Hannah dismissed us and we all filed out of the hot theatre, sweaty and tired.

"You did great today." Davey told me at the water fountain.

"So did you!" I told him. "Are you excited to kiss Shiner?" I teased. His face flushed with color.

"Um. I think I hear. Jack. Uh. Calling me. Gotta go bye!"

He tried avoiding the conversation, but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back to me. I gave him a look before he gave in.

"I mean. Sure! Who wouldn't wanna kiss a girl like her?" He looked off at Shiner dreamily.

"Coupleyness." I faked a gag.

"Albert says that too! And I'm pretty sure it's not a word." Davey cocked an eyebrow.

"It is if I says it is." I stated matter-of-factly. He laughed again.

"Hey C!" Jack ran over to the two of us. "Guess who's running tech with me?" He grinned.

"Who?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Spot!" Jack squealed.

"I didn't even know he could do that!" I exclaimed, rather confused.

"Well he can! He ran tech for some of his sister's shows. But this also means he'll see you perform every night!" Jack sang, poking me.

"Jack, that doesn't mean anything." I swatted his hands away. "And besides he won't be at rehearsal or the Friday show because of football." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but he'll be there opening night!" Jack pushed.

"What are you getting at Kelly?" I asked suspiciously.

"He joined the show for you, kid!" Jack squealed once more.

I shook my head laughing. "In your dreams Kelly." I said walking off, ignoring the calls from Jack and now Race who was trying to figure out what was going on. He was always the nosy type.

"ELIZABETH!" Race called to me. I dropped my folders and bag and sprinted towards the blonde, jumping on top of him in a headlock.

"I think this is a new record for the Racer." Jack teased, bending down to our level on the floor.

"Comfortable?" He asked the blonde.

"Haha very funny Jack." Race rolled his eyes sticking his cigar in his mouth. I let go of the skinny boy and hopped up, rushing over to my stuff before Race could get it and heading out of the school to my car. We had two weeks to throw this show together, and boy was I worried.

A/N only 571 words....so I'll update another chapter tonight. I'm trying to pump out chapters bc a.) my friends worship this. I updated this on a FaceTime and they chanted bible the whole time....b.) I have another book so I'm trying to wrap this one up so I can start chapters on the other. So yee! :)

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