Mouthing Off (Daryl x Reader)

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Daryl x Reader

Prompts List 5 #95 "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"

Requested by @twdeadfanfic

Warnings: Language, typical TWD violence, anger


The beat of your feet echoes off the trees as they will you closer to the man responsible for all this, "RICK!" His bloody bandaged hand rises beside his head, waving you off. He can't even be bothered to turn around and look at you, or say anything. Your blood boils red hot under skin covered in blood, sweat, and tears. "RICK!"

Finally, he speaks up, "Not here."

Not here, my ass. One last push, and your legs allow you to catch him, your hand harshly yanking at his arm forcing his body to turn towards yours, "NO! Right here. Right now!"

Rick shakes his head sending beads of sweat to his shoulders and the ground around him, "Y/N, don't do this. Don't-"

"Don't what?" Your finger pushes harder into his chest as you step closer and get up in his face, "Don't call you on your bullshit? Don't let everyone know that all of this could have been avoided?"

Michonne steps forward and lays a hand on your shoulder, "Y/N-"

Your arm flies back, shaking her hand off with ease, "Get your hands off of me." Rick holds his hand up to her, nodding to let her know to back off. "Go ahead, Rick. Why don't you fill everyone in on what really happened." Stepping back and gesturing to the rest of the group, "tell 'em why we're really out here, huh."

His blue eyes looked around the group, and briefly to the ground. "What I did is what had to be done, Y/N. We had to come for them before they ca-"

Your hands connect roughly with his chest in a swift shove, "Stop with the bureaucratic bullshit Rick! This was all your ego. You had to make sure that you pissed on everyone else and assert your dominance. They were never coming for us ."

Rick's nostrils flared as his lip curled, "I don't have to explain it again. I don't have to justify my actions any further. It's my job to keep this group safe!"

Fury flashed behind your Y/E/C eyes, "Keep this group safe?!? Are you fucking kidding me, right now?!" Before you know it your fist collides squarely with his jaw, knocking him back a step. "Take a look around, asshole. Do these people look safe?" Your fist connects again, this time in his abdomen, "How about the people we lost? Are they safe? Oh, no, they were just collateral damage, right?"

Michonne yanks you back, "Enough!"

Still fuming, you begin to pace, and what starts as a faint chuckle grows into an actual laugh. Rick raises his hand to wipe the crimson leaking from his lip, "You know, you got a lot of nerve attacking me for what I did. I mean, Ya know after everything that happened to your little group."

"You dick!" You charge past Michonne, headed straight for him, "Are you fucking kidding me, you arrogant bastard! You don't get to ever say shit about them! You don't know shit about any of it! Get you head out of your ass long enough to realize that."

Glenn and Michonne try to grab you, "Y/N, Y/N enough!"

"Get the hell off of me!" You snarl yanking your body free of their grasps. "Can't you see what a self centered, PSYCHOTIC, fucker he really is, or all of you really just that fucking blind?"

Just as the words leave your mouth, Daryl appears from the words, rejoining the group after trailing off for a while. His features contort as he takes in the scene before him. What the hell? "Y/N, com' on", he gestures with his hand to walk away. All that you offer is a cold glare, and return your eyes to Rick, "Dammit, Y/N, com' on. You said your peace, now let's go."

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