The Ride Out (Negan x Reader)

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Negan x Reader

Submitted by @imaginestoescape with the prompts 13. Did you just hiss at me? and 17. How is my wife more badass than me?

"Dwighty boy, let's go!" Negan's voice rang off the walls as they loaded up. You waltz over to where he was standing, waiting patiently for him to finish dealing with his men. "Y/N, sweetheart, how's my girl?" He asks bending to place a small peck to your cheek.

"Doing good." You smile, "I was just wondering if I could maybe ride out with you guys."

He just chuckles, "Now darlin, there is some serious shit that happens out there, and honestly I don't know if I want you to be apartie to said shit."

Before you can stop it, the harsh sound slips past your lips, followed by brave words, "Don't patronize me. You know damn well that I can handle myself."

His brow raises and his head tilts, "Did you just hiss at me?"

"Sorry, I j-"

"Ah,ah,ah don't apologize. I like 'em feisty." He throws his arm over your shoulders. "Let's go."


He nods, "You said you can handle your shit, but if I for one minute have reason to believe you can't I'm throwing your ass in the truck, got it."

"Yes sir."

The large gates to the community swing open, and the convoy of trucks roll in. Your people can barely get out of the trucks before the dirty scowls from the community's members are boring holes into them. Negan strolls around to their truck swinging Lucille and dawning that gorgeous grin. "Let's see what good shit you brought me this time."

His men begin going through the offering, and one of them stands up shaking his head. Negan bites his lips, and grins once more, making a tsk-ing noise as he turns to face the group. "Ho-ly shit! Somebody did not do their job. Well that, or somebody can't count. Either way, you're short, and that just can't happen."

A man from the community steps forward, "Tell your men to check again. It's all there."

"Well goddamn, somebody's got a big set a balls!, he Negan says, doing his signature dip as he speaks. "Did you really just tell me what to do?"

Another man steps forward and by the looks of it, he also has a death wish, "Uh yea he did, and I will too. It's there. Look again. Maybe if you focused less on being a dick, and more on the facts-"

Negan raises his eyebrow, "Woah, we got us another big shot." He walks down the line smirking at them, "Well, Lucille has been looking for some action lately. I think she's been feeling a little left out, so-"

The man rears up again, "I may be putting the final stamp on my death wish here, but at least I'm not a pussy that needs to carry around a bat beat the shit out of people to feel better about himself. Seems to me somebody's overcompensating."

Your body reacts faster than your brain can process the plan. You come out of nowhere and your fist connects hard with his jaw, knocking him on his ass. His hand comes up to where you hit him, "Who's the pussy now, prick?"

Another member of the ballsy idiot club lunges forward and grabs you, and attempts to put a knife to your throat. There's at least dozen of guns on him, but you beat 'em to the punch. You block his hand so the blade never makes it to your throat, and manage to spin him, and pin his arm back behind him, his own blade to his throat. "Nice try asshole." You raise a brow, "Anyone else wanna dance?"

You know you'll likely be in hot water after this, but hopefully his statement from earlier will still be true. You were sure as hell being feisty right now. Negan's wide eyes stay trained on you two, and he lets out a laugh, "Holy shit! You two both just got your asses handed to you by a chick that's half your size! Now that's just embarrassing for everyone."

Now he starts to pace, swinging Lucille a little more aggressively this time. "However, be that as it may, I still meant what I said that kind of shit. That can't happen. No sir." He walks over to where you still have a hold of the man. "And you sir, Oh I've got big plans for you. See you just tried to kill my wife, and that is a grave no no!"

The first few minutes of the ride home were silent, Negan just stared at you. His features gave no clue to what the response was going to be to your actions. Finally he cracks a big ol smile, "How is my wife more badass than me?" he laughed. 

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