Dreams Into Reality (Rick x Reader) ***

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Rick x Reader, Rosita, Maggie, Daryl

Prompt 100: "So I had this really vivid dream...."

Word Count: 1892

Warnings: NSFW 18+ , Language, Teasing


A gasp falls past your lips as you sit straight up in bed. The cool air sends chills over your body as it touches the layer of sweat that broke out in your sleep. "What the hell?" You pant, "What?" The confusion of what your dream consisted of fogged everything else in your brain. Good luck getting through today.

You pull your shirt and jeans on, lace up your boots, and head downstairs. Rosita's sitting at the bar finishing off the apple in her hand," You okay?" She asks with a head tilt, "I heard you talking to yourself this morning. Did something happen?"

Rounding the island in the middle of the kitchen, you shake your head, "I uh... no. I couldn't find one of my boots is all." Oh yeah , real convincing, you mentally kick yourself, glad your back is to her.

She raises her brow, not quite buying it, but she doesn't really care enough to press any further. "Oh, okay. whatever ."

You look around the kitchen, "Hey, are there any of those apples left?"

"In the basket." She says pointing towards the sink.

"Thanks," you grab one and head for the door. She raises her hand and mumbles something as she walks off in the other direction. The sun hits your skin as you step out onto the porch, and you sigh, grateful for a beautiful day after the rain you've had.

Just as you take a bite of your apple, Rick comes strolling by. He smiles up to you waving, "Mornin' Y/N." You just about choke on the piece of apple at the sight, and have to fight the onslaught of images from your dream that are replaying. That damn smirk. He was so cocky in the dream. Holy hell. Today's gonna be fun. You do your best to stifle the heat flooding to your cheeks and the one settling in your core, offering a simple wave back.

As soon as he's gone, you take a hesitant step off the porch and head over to your post at the lookout out front. It's a quiet morning, not much activity. After about an hour, someone climbs up the ladder to the platform, "Hey! How's it looking today?", the familiar drawl of Rick's voice triggering new thoughts. Echoes of the filthy things he'd said start floating around in your head. There's an internal battle happening. You absolutely don't want to make any sort of eye contact right now, but that'd be a dead giveaway, and he'd ask you what's wrong.

Finally, you look up to see Rick's crystal blue eyes trained on you. Oh shit bad idea. Bad idea. "Uh.. pretty quiet. Only seen one walker."

"Good," he smiles, placing a hand on your shoulder,"Let me know if that changes." Your breath hitches as you think about the feel of his rough, calloused hands against your bare skin.

Later in the afternoon, there's a meeting about the upcoming run in the morning. Rick's making it impossible to focus on any of it. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he knows and is messing with you. He keeps stealing glances, and god the way he looks at you. As much as you try to fight it, you can't help but to squirm under his gaze, a rosy tinge staining your cheeks.

Maggie starts picking up on it, watching you more closely. "Alright so it's settled," the clap of Rick's hands snapping you back to reality, "Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha will head in from the East, Y/N and I from the West." Your eyes go so wide they probably look like they're about to pop straight out of your head, and Maggie caught every bit of it. You'd been so out of it, you weren't aware that was the arrangement being discussed. How the hell am I supposed to be trapped in a car with him for hours?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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