Picture Perfect

85 3 0

Daryl x Reader

Submitted by @lee2468

Prompts 8.) "They're so cute when they're asleep." and 18) "Are you sure that's the decision you want to make?"

Word Count: 856

Warnings: Language maybe?

Sure living in a prison wasn't exactly living the glamorous lifestyle, but it had walls and fences and there were crops beginning to grow in the field. It's more of a home than you could ever ask for in what messed up world was outside those walls and fences.

Of course there was another added bonus to being somewhat safe. The slight settle down that you got to experience meant you had time to get to know a certain crossbow wielding redneck a little more. Sure you knew him from your time on the farm, and on the road, but this was different. You actually had time to talk to the man without having to constantly kill walkers who had no respect for a personal conversation, I mean come on.

There's always been a bond there that no one, including you guys, could ever quite put your finger on. You looked out for one another, and he apparently developed quite the soft spot when it came to you.

Over time the small talk and the sweet gestures kept building, and soon you were inseparable. There was probably only about a five minute span of time that you weren't right on the heels of him, and vice versa.

Everyone couldn't help but to smile as you guys walked by, of course they didn't make it known until after you passed. It only took one warning from Daryl. Well, it stopped for the most part. Carol and Maggie still get away with it from time to time.

They all tended to respect your space, and not make a big deal out of it, until one morning you guys were caught sharing the bed in your cell. It wasn't the first time you'd done it, just the first time someone noticed.

Rick walked around the prison looking for Daryl to go over the plan for the day, and he was nowhere to be found. It wasn't a shock that he was with you, but he was a bit surprised to see him all cuddled up with you. The grin on Rick's face widened and Michonne tilted her head when she noticed. He waved her over, holding up one finger "Shh".

Michonne's face lights up, and she shakes her head. Across the cell block Maggie raises her eyebrow and mouths "What?" to her.

Pretty soon just about the whole group is standing just outside the cell. Most of them broke away again after seeing what all the hubbub is about, but the starting few remained. "They're so cute when they're asleep," Michonne sighed.

Maggie nodded along with her, "Yea they are."

Glenn's eyes took in the way Daryl's arms wrapped around you in such a protective but soft all at once way, and how his usual rugged features were softened in the bliss of much needed sleep. "It's not often that you get to see this." He raises the Polaroid he had in his hand, preparing to snap a picture of you two.

Michonne started shaking her head, and Rick's hand touched the top of the camera. "Are you sure that's the decision you wanna make?" He asks with a raised brow.

Glenn just chuckles, and snaps the picture anyway. Everyone tried to dissipate before Daryl's reaction, but it failed miserably.

Those quick reflexes shot him upright in that bed before they got a foot away from the door. If looks could kill, every single one of them would have been dying a slow, painful death with the glare coming from his cobalt eyes. "What the hell's wrong with y'all?!" He stood up quickly pacing over to the door, throwing his arm up in typical Dixon fashion, "Ain' non y'all got nothin' better ta do!?!"

They all scattered as his voice boomed through the cell block. The one thing that had been a blessing was that all he saw was people looking at you guys, he didn't see the camera in Glenn's hand. When he turned back to you, and your eyes met his, you offered a little smile to which he could only return. "You know they're just happy for you, right?"

He sat down next to you on the bed and mumbled. "I know.... I.. Can't they be happy without bein' all up in my business."

You can't help but to smile at his words, "You know that's not how family works. When people love you, they're gonna be all up in your business." You punctuate your words by wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, and kissing him on the cheek.

His cheeks flush a rosy tint and he glances over at you, silently asking if you meant what he thinks. You smirk and nod, "Mhmm. That's right. I love you. They love you... but you know, mostly me."

A little while later you walked past Glenn out in the field, and held your hand out. He smiled placing the small piece of film in your palm. You slipped it into your back pocket and walked away, "Thank you!"

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