Chapter Five - Home Sick

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I started to clutch at my stomach I felt like I was going to throw up blood and bullets.  All this pain, loos and being terrified was tearing me apart. I started to breath rapidly my eyes blinking fast. I tilted my head back only for a second. My mind went blank, I felt like three decades before I finally woke up. I laid in my bed bunk as I brushed my hair back with my finger tips.  I looked to my bedside table. I had to to remember where and when I was. I plumped back down onto my bed. It was so soft, like i was sleeping on angle wings. Who had brought me back to my room. I must have of feinted out on the black heart side of the deck. I manged to grab all of my strength to pull myself out of bed. I swung my feet around reaching the floor, now standing up. My brain was scattered. I had know idea what had happen the day before. I walked to the mini fridge, swung it open and grabbed ice cold water. I took of the cap and gulped it down like I had been sleeping for years. I put what was left of it back into the mini fridge and plumped down onto my sofa. I put my head back on the black leather couch. I closed my eyes and started to drift again. I opened my eyes from a small beaming sound in my closet. I managed to get myself back up again to check it out. There was heavy bags under my red eyes. I was really out of shape. I opened the closet to a small box. I grabbed it fast, turning it over. 

"VR" I said out load. 

I ran towards my extra thin flat screen TV. Walking over fast I pressed the button asking for a ps4. The ps4 hooked it self into my Extra Thin. I quickly ran over and hooked up the VR. I wondered who brought me back to my room, who gave me this. Know body was really aloud to have these, since the caption was secret and had time limits for the living. I hooked the VR onto my head. Quickly tying my hair up into a bun. I took a deep breath and turn on the VR, my heart started to race as I typed in Johns name. All I could remember is loosing him not once but twice. I wondered how hard it was for him to find me in the after life. He must of traveled along way to find and save me, and for nothing. How could I be so blind, how could I leave everything behind. All I had was VR Trips and dreams of the past. My emotions were started to fade everyday I stayed here.  I used to cry when missing the people I loved, all I could do was morn. I shook my feelings and thoughts away again, as I clicked find. I was flying over some dark clouds, this was different. I started to get that feeling again, that acing feeling in my heart. It was overly heated here, no sine of life anywhere. I had to use my powers. John is vampire anyways he could be blocking anyone out. I tried to dampest to rewrite his blocks. The clouds started to fade, It was working. There was a clear sky, and I could see a forest. What was John doing in there. I can smell the stench of liquor in the air. 

"No He's depressed drunk" I said worried. 

I landed on the forest ground, John was wrecking the area and trees. I watched as he electrocuted the ground hurting himself as well. I ran towards him. I saw more than just depression in his angry eyes. 

"It's all my fault" He screamed. 

Birds flew off the trees and into the sky. Anyone around here could of heard him scream in agony. My hands where back to normal. It was nice to get a glimpse of my old body and kind soul. John pull out of backpack. His face was sweaty and every step he wobbled. You could clearly smell and tell he was drunk. John had pulled out more beer out of a small backpack, witch i had given him. 

"Stop your going to kill yourself" I yelled.

I tried to hug him, but he just vanished and came back. It was like a horrible nightmare but you can never wake up. I shook my head fast, my body started to sweat. I felt like I was going to throw up my organs. My hands turned to fist as I clutched them together and punched him, harder then I've ever hurt anyone. I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying so hard to be noticed. 

"Stop" I screamed.

John's face went cold pale, his mouth started to bleed. I looked at my hands, my knuckles had blood on them. John looked up at me, his eyes balling. Tears falling onto his shirt and boots. My breathing was heavy. I stood there wondering how I did that. I felt no pain from hurting him, who was I anymore. I used to love everyone and everything around me, I used to care and love being young. I was like I was on drugs, never going off the depression or hallucinations. 

"Ella"John cried.

I backed up from him, the drips of blood dripping onto me. This VR was different it was real. It was like it played only on emotions to get what you need and desire. John ran and clutched me into his arms. I could feel his tears dripping onto my shirt. 

"I'm here John" I cried.

For the first time in forever I was able to cry. It felt so amazing to feel something again. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay with him.I knew that could never happen tho. He looked me up and down, tears falling from his eyes. 

"I'm so sorry" He said.

"You didn't do anything wrong" I added back.

John let go of me. He kissed me, and smiled. My cheeks turned red. I felt love again, I was so happy. John looked at me, he saw a small name tag over my head. It was very small but he new I would be leaving soon. 

"I don't know how to find you " He said.

"You don't have to, I have this" I said pointing to my head. 

John reached for my hand. The broken tree stumps and the smell of beer broke my heart a little. I asked him so softly to forget me, and to move on. He grabbed me hard raising his voice now. 

"I will never move, I will never stop trying to save you, understand" He said.

The glare in his eyes gave away the truth. I had to tell him the truth. Before I was pulled away from the living again. 

" I chose John," I said hard. 

John backed away from me and shook his head. He crunched the glass bottle in his hand. The cut started to heal. I tried to grab him back towards me, he just backed up.

" You knew, they tell everyone, leave your family behind" John said looking betrayed. 

I shook my head fast. I cried so hard, the tears rolled down my face like rain drops. 

" I didn't know" I yelled.

John's eyes turned red. He screamed my Fathers name. I looked at him weird, my tears still dropping. Why would scream my fathers name. I tried to get an explanation, but the battery was draining. He came and grabbed me for the last time.

"You never had a choice" John said.

I made him let go of my hips. I pushed him away asking what he meant. He looked at me hard and cried. 

"Your father sacrificed his first born to be back with his lover and family" John said with anger in his eyes. 

I fell back onto the ground. My heart beating fast. I knew the truth, I knew why my father beat me all those times. I meant nothing to him but his safety. I kept telling myself I should of killed myself years ago. He had told me apparently my sister was a decoy. If anything would go wrong with my, my sister would take my place. John grabbed me and helped me up. My main goal in this after life was to bring my father to his knees and give me my freedom back. The battery started to lit. I kissed John for the last time. My skin started to pale, and my body changed to. I grasped onto the living holding Johns had. Yet the force was to strong. I was pulled back onto the ship. I took off the VR fast, no longer able to cry again. What was I going to do know. I knew the truth. I still needed to know the dark truth. I was going to find it, no madder how deep I had to go. I was willing to do anything, to have my freedom and yet save my sister from the same fate. I charged the VR and walked out bedroom. I was starving, and tonight was the big dinner for all the souls of the depressed and willing. I was going to dress really nice, to maybe seduce the caption since he has a fine liking to me. After I eat lunch, I'm going recherche and find out everything a controlling man finds sexy. 

"For you Brook, and for my freedom" I said to myself.

I walked to the lunch room and sat down alone. 

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