Chapter 7

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Gabriella and Sylvie arrive by ambulance with Otis, their colleague, who was shot in the neck during an intervention. He goes straight to the O.R. with Dr. Choi.

A few minutes later, the rest of their team arrives. I'm dealing with Stella, who was also caught in the crossfire. Luckily for her, it's no big deal. Her radio stopped the bullet. She's only got one displaced rib, so she'll be fine. She's even discharged an hour later.

I'm still taking care of the other patients coming into the OR. I hear that Otis' case got a little more complicated. He ends up in the ICU. He's still asleep and it could be hours before he wakes up. The good news is that the bullet didn't damage his spine, but it did crush the bone. He is stable but there is still a risk of infection or paralysis because the bullet is too close to his spine. Dr. Choi told me that he's waiting for Otis to wake up so that he can make a decision about his surgery himself.

At the end of my shift at 4pm, I go to his room and I see that his girlfriend, Lily I think, and Cruz are there so I ask for news and then leave them alone with him.

I then decide to go out by the waiting room of the urgencies to see if Kelly is still there. Just before entering the room, I see him sitting next to Stella and they both seem very close to me.

Hermann who sees me arriving, asks me news of Otis. I answer him that he is still stable but that he did not wake up yet. And that I think he won't wake up until tomorrow morning because of the shock to his body.

I then join Kelly after greeting everyone. We kiss each other but it's not like the night before and I feel like something is wrong.

I take it apart to discuss "I came to tell you that we can cancel the meal we had planned tonight. With what's happening to Otis, I completely understand that you're not up to it".

He kisses me on the forehead "Yeah thanks Lia, we'll have that meal, but another day would be better".

"No worries" I answer. I notice that he keeps looking at Stella out of the corner of his eye. I don't mind him worrying about her, but he could at least focus on our conversation. At that moment, I make a decision that will either strengthen my relationship or destroy it along with my friendship.

I tell Kelly, "If you're not ready to start a relationship because you're still attached to her, I totally understand. But I want you to know I'm not going to stand here and watch you do nothing. So when you're clear about how you feel and if you really want to get into a relationship with me, call me. Because if you want to be with me, you need to be completely sure of yourself Kel because I don't want to be the girl who suffers because her boyfriend still has feelings for his ex".

He looks at me and doesn't really know what to say. So I kiss him on the cheek and leave.

The next day, I stop by Molly's before my shift because Sylvie told me that they were doing a fundraiser for Otis so I drop some money in his jar. Because even though I don't know him very well, I know that he's a good guy and that his convalescence could be difficult, especially for him who's used to always being in action.

When I enter the bar, I see Kelly discussing with Stella so that doesn't make me regret my decision. I then go to the emergency room to begin my guard at 10 pm.

The night goes by without too much trouble. There's not a lot of new entrances. I mostly take care of the patients who were already here before I started my shift.

For the rest of my shift, I spend most of my time doing casts. I don't know if they all gave the word, but from 10 am to 10 pm, I do mostly casts.

I go straight home in the evening. I continue my shifts at the hospital and spend most of my days off at my apartment.

My Saturday shift starts at 4 pm. It normally takes place for almost the entire shift. But on Sunday, shortly before the end of my shift, the situation at the hospital gets worse.

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