Chapter 2: Vote

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"YOU EXPECT me to believe that?" Kiyoko says mockingly. "Its not your choice Kiyoko-san." Kageyama replies. "Okay everyone, how about we eat dinner, take a good sleep and we vote this out tomorrow?" Suga says, trying to establish peace. "Whatever, my mind won't change. I'll be watching you LN." She says, leaving the room with Yachi following behind, soon after that, the others  went their respective rooms, Kenma reluctantly let go of YN and went to his room. 'V-vote?!' YN's breath hitched as the anxiety started to creep into her. "Hey, relax, your okay. Suga would never kick anyone out!" Oikawa says reassuringly. "Oikawa-san, bring her to one of the spare rooms, i'll have Kageyama bring her a futon and stuff." Suga says, picking up YN's bag. "Ushijima and i will put away the food. Sleep well LN-san." Suga says exiting the room with Ushijima. Before the olive haired man left the room, he nods respectfully at YN and slides the door shut. "Okay, come on LN-san! Your room is right beside mine!" Oikawa says, grabbing her hand and leading her to the hallway.

"This is your room, its pretty chilly but we have a few blankets to spare." Oikawa says, opening the door to a classroom. It was cleared out, the chairs were put to the sides and the windows were closed. It was very spacious. "Thank you Oikawa-san." YN says, looking at Oikawa gratefully. "No problem, Tobio-chan will come with your futon, if anything is wrong, im just at the other classroom." He says, leaving the room. " good night." YN mutters. "Night night LN-chan" he says, patting her head, before closing the door and going to his own room. YN sighed as she sat at one of the tables and looked out the window, the night sky was beautiful, the stars twinkled beautifully, and the moon shined on her face. Tearing her eyes away from the sky, she notices a figure outside of the gates. 'A zombie?' She thought, only to find she was right, but the sight was heart wrenching. It was a little girl, her dress was torn and her skin was rotting. Unknowingly, tears fell from her face as she reminded herself about how unfair life can be.

Pushing the door open, Kageyama stumbled in with a futon. "Hey i got your--" he was cut off when he saw the tear in her eyes that she vigurously wipe away. "T-thank you." Sh stuttered, taking the futon. Kageyama helps her set up the bed. 'Im not good with that emotional stuff. What do i do?!' Kageyama thought. "Why were you crying?" Kageyama blurts out. He mentally facepalmed and scolded himself for being so dumb. YN's eyes widen in surprise. "I-i just.. saw a kid zombie and it just felt so unfair.." She trailed off. Kageyama was taken aback. He never thought about the zombies' previous lives and only thought of them as lifeless cannibals. "Life is unfair, but, thats what sculpts us to become stronger. You being alive means that your strong. So keep that in mind." Kageyama says with a stoic expression, and exits the room before she could've answered. YN was left there in shock. She never expected Kageyama would say that, she thought maybe he'd call her pathetic and weak. But hearing those words come from his mouth, she smiled to herself as she fixated herself into bed and drifted in to a much needed slumber.

Kenma found himself unable to sleep. He stared at Kuroo's sleeping figure as he recalled how Kuroo went on Kiyoko's side. "Sometimes you act so much like a hoe, Kuroo." Kenma says and turns away from Kuroo, he was disgusted. Kuroo heard all this a frowned. 'It wouldn't hurt to be cautious..' Kuroo thought. But honestly, it was probably his teenage hormones going after Kiyoko.

The day of the voting came and everyone gathered in the meeting room, waiting for YN to come. "Can we hurry this? Im hungry!" Tsukishima whines. "Why don't you go get her then?" Kageyama retorts. "Fine, whatever." Tsukishima stands up, but while walking towards the door he found Kiyoko suspiciously fiddling with her hands as though she was nervous when he stood up. 'Weirdo.' He thought as he entered the hallway.

Banging on the door, YN tried to pry it open, but something heavy was blocking it from the outside. "Guys!? Somebody help!" She screamed as she banged the door loudly. Soon after her crys was heard by a particular blonde, he lifted the heavy wooden plank and dropped it unto the floor. He opened the door, revealing a very dishiveled YN. "Who put that there?" She asks. "Dunno, it wasn't here before." Tsukishima says, furrowing his brows in confusion. YN panted, she was exhausted after all that screaming. "You look awful, go to the bathroom and clean up. Everyone's waiting in the meeting room." Tsukishima says, pointing at the bathroom. "Okay.." she says, walking towards the bathroom

"Sorry to keep you waiting." YN says, bowing. "Whatever. Lets get this over with." Kiyoko says. "Alright, who thinks its okay for YN to stay?" Suga starts. Kenma, Oikawa, Ushijima and Suga instantly raises their hands. Kageyama hesitantly raises his hand as well. 'You know what? Fuck you Kiyoko.' Tsukishima thought as he too raises his hand. Yachi hesitantly raises her hand aswell. "Well, majority votes." Suga says. Kiyoko huffs. "Tch, let's just eat breakfast." She says angrily. "Alright, Oikawa, Ushijima, can you help me out at the storage?" Suga asks. The two boys nod and follow Suga out.

"So, Suga is your leader?" YN asks Tsukishima. "Yeah, hes the calmest among us, and hes pretty smart when it comes to strategy." Tsukishima explains. "Wow." YN says subconciously. "Oh, thanks for raising your hand." She says, giving Tsukishina a small smile. "I just wanted to piss Kiyoko off." Tsukishima says, looking away. Just then, and explosion erupted nearby. "What the heck was that?!" Kageyama exclaims as everyone's heads snap towards the hallway. Immediately, everyone stood up and ran towards the hallway, Oikawa, Suga and Ushijima emerged from the storage room, it was burning. They coughed loudly. "What happened!?" Kuroo yells, helping Suga up. "Something exploded." Suga replies, coughing. YN glance at the storage room. 'Theres a fire extingusher!' She  thought as she rushed towards the room. "LN WAIT!" Oikawa yells. "LN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kuroo yells also. But YN knew what she had to do. Dodging the flames and covering her nose, she made her way to the extinguisher. She pulls the safety pin off and started to spray it at the fire. "LN!" Someone yells as they grab her wrist and pulls her out of the room. The fire was gone. YN collapses unto the floor. "Are you stupid?! You could've died!" Kuroo exclaims shaking her shoulders. "I couldn't just watch and let the fire burn everything." She said coughing. Kuroo felt speechless. This girl risked her life for us. Even though she wasn't given the best welcoming. "She probably set this up! I mean, she took a long time to get to the meeting room! Who knows what she was doing. We have to kick her out!" Kiyoko exclaims. Everyone else started to gather around her. "Its not your choice Kiyoko!" Kenma exclaims. "Shes staying." Kuroo says, offering his hand to YN. "What?" Kiyoko clarifys. "Shes staying. Period." Suga repeats. YN gratefully takes his hand and stands up straight. "Thanks.." she says to Kuroo, who nods at her respectfully. "Your so reckless!" Kenma says, hugging YN. Oikawa chuckles lightly and Ushijima sighs in relief. Kageyama goes inside the room and checks out the damage. "Hey, how'd this get in here?" Kageyama asks. Everyone snaps their attention towards Kageyama, who waves a broken flame igniter. "That must've been the thing that exploded." Tsukishima says, as he opens the window at the room.

"But it couldn't have exploded so suddenly."


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