-Chapter 1- -Past Connections-

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Loud footsteps are heard, a running silhouette is seen through the inside of an abandoned building, the sunlight brimming through the windows, the man gasps for air as he runs, running towards the light.

He steps out and puts his arm to cover his eyes from the blinding light, he looks onto a torn battlefield through this abandoned city, loud sounds of gunfire, and smoke permeating from shots fired from the artillery from all over, dead corpses litter the broken city as their scent lingers on, He is just one man belonging to a bigger war.

He quickly snaps to another nearby building, checking his sides for any enemies.

He responds to his allies' radio comms; "You know I can't stay here for long, right Himura?"

"I know! but "he's" here, we've been searching for months now and we can't let go of this lead! We can't distract him for long!" A female voice responded.

"Alright, but I can't hold him for more than 5 minutes, he's too strong.." the young man replied.

"You'll have backup, just distract him and "he'll" be there before then, just trust me.." She said.

"Copy that, I'll get his attention!" He quickly says.

He sprints forward and outside from the building, he spots hostiles near a cinema and aims for the kills, he throws in a flashbang as he hits two of them and slides into the right to stabs the other in the chest.

"Damn, guess I gotta ditch the stealth, well I got their attention atleast.. its time go in guns blazing!" He shouts as he runs faster, as his little skirmish getting the attention of more enemies, he runs inside the theater and towards its hallways.

"This city must've been great in its prime, too bad it doesn't exist anymore.." He says as he reloads his empty magazine.

His remarks are interrupted as he is shot from many directions inside, he ducks and runs to the bathroom.

He sees two men taking a leak....

feeling the awkwardness of the situation he responds with:


While they notice him, they start to grab their pistols from their holsters, he quickly grabs his rifle and shoots the first enemy's head while snapping to the other.

He sighs "Jeez I gotta hurry, before he'll escape" He says this while opening the door throwing in a grenade to the left, before rushing out as he runs towards the right to the other exits, his body emanating light as he sprints faster and faster, punching and grabbing the enemy's head and slamming him onto another enemy; breaking the glass doors and shattering them.

He breathes in for air, grabbing his knees as he checks his mags and equipment, he's got only one left for his rifle and two grenades, and no flashbangs.

"Alright, I'm here.. the abandoned Ferris wheel, where are you "Kurai no ken"? He says

A blade is suddenly near his neck, he quickly sweats and gulps as the enemy's aura overwhelms him, His palms getting sweatier and his body feeling heavier.

"I thought I was ready for this, oh god... "he's" even stronger up close, His aura is so refined, he's getting closer to becoming an omega grade! but still, I have to face him!" He speaks inside his mind, as he gulps from his overwhelming fear.

He looks up and he sees a tall black-haired samurai with an emanating red aura swelling around him, his staring eyes looking deep unto his soul, he quickly looks downwards.

"Hirotsu.. I finally found you.." the samurai states as he strongly throws him towards the tree, the boy powers up his body using the tree as he kicks unto it and lands onto the grass, sliding with his knife in his fist.

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