What doesn't kill you makes you wish it did. [REVISED]

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Alec's P.O.V

Ravener demons were jackasses. 

They had the full package. Poison venom? Check. Hissing acid? Check. Spiked tails? Check. 

Alec grumbled about how unfair it was that shadowhunters didn't have the ability to hiss poison when he saw the blur of action out of the corner of his eye. Since Jace was out and about somwhere {he was lately always out and about somewhere}, the two Lightwood siblings had to take down the entire horde down an alley near Pandemonium. 

Alec tilted his head back to see how Izzy was doing knowing fully well that she was able to manage this but he was still her big brother therefore if something were to happen to her it was his fault to bear. 

Electrum whip slashing, her red lips pulled up in a snarl, hair blowing behind her head, Isabelle Lightwood was a woman who need not anyone's help and she was also a woman who should probably watch her back. 

Alec's blue eyes widened with horror as he caught the sight of the staggering Ravener demon Izzy had thought she put down hiss behind her. Thinking not of strategy as the only thing that existed in his mind wad the need to protect his baby sister, Alec let otu a guttaral scream and lunged forward successfully knocking Izzy out of the way. 

He heard his gear rip, his seraph blade clatter to the ground, he heard the soft tear of his flesh as the demon stung him. Izzy's scream resonated in his brain before the pain mingld with blood and poisonn hit his brain setting of nueral waves that crashed into his drenaline.

Alec fell into the open arms of Mother Earth as his whole world dived into darkness. 


The first time Alec woke up, eventhough for briefly, he saw Jace staring down at him with terrified eyes. He was caressing his forehead speaking reassuring words to him. Alec groaned and acknowledged the pain and the burning agony inside him. Jace nodded as if to say 'I know' and Alec decided that the energy he had used to groan was far too much and sleep began to fill the black of his mind.

The second time Alec woke up, he was woken by soft force; he saw two cat like eyes staring down at him...all wide and worried. Alec almost gave into the warmth of his lover's eyes if his promise to himself hadn't resurfaced in Alec's mind. He forced out the cold exterior of his into view and he saw his beloved flinch. Alec felt his eyes harden, he felt the gush of blood spray into his mouth as he bit the insides of his cheeks to hold back the pain.

"Alexander darling..." Magnus had murmured

He glared at Magnus and spluttered,

"You...you...what the hell are you doing here?" he tried to sit up but groaned and fell back onto the bed taking in slow and shallow breaths

"Oh, nothing really, just trying really hard to keep you from dying," snapped Magnus forcing a bowl that carried contents that smelled strangely like Isabelle's food to Alecs lips. Alec pushed it over using more strength that he should've and the sigh he recieved from Magnus didn't seem to settle his mood either,

"What happened to the: stupid nephilim? Pet warlock? Never want to see you again? 'It's over. I don't want to see you again, Alec. Or any of your friends. I'm tired of being their pet warlock,' and I said: "I will—I'll try. Give me another chance—" but you said: "No, And if I might give you a piece of advice: Avoid Camille. There is a war coming, Alexander, and you don't want your loyalties to be in question... WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?" Alec winced and closed his eyes trying to supress both his anger and pain. He asked softly, "What happened to that? Magnus? Huh? What. Happened. To. That?"

Magnus felt tears prick the back of his eyes and he uttered a spell which made Alec go completely still. Snarling and growling, Alec tried to fight it back but Magnus Bane wasn't the high warlock of Brooklyn for nothing,

"Drink this," Magnus managed to croak and Alec--under the influences of the spell-- obediently picked up the bowl and gulped the contents down. Magnus watched as Alec's eyes go round with disgust at the unpleasentries in the bowl. The warlock ran a thumb across his cheekbone smilling gently through the tears before snapping his fingers undoing the spell. 

Alec spat out a ball of saliva at Magnus's feet,

"I want you out, Bane," he growled

"Alexander..." started Magnus but Alec cut him off

"I don't want a downworlder in my room," Alec tried to take upon a tone of disgust but it sounded like he just wanted the warlock back, "I'm a shadowhunter... I don't know any Magnus Bane..." Alec's eyes brimmed with tears and he looked away resorting to stare at the peeled off paint of his walls

Magnus gasped. Alec had never done that. Ever. Never had he insulted Magnus upon who he was. The older man swallowed a sob and said, "I'll...just...go," he said. He packed his stuff, dropping a couple of them despite the grace he usually had restored in his limbs.

Alec dared not move until he heard the door shut gently behind him but what made a sob tear out of his throat was the way Magnus had murmured in the softest voice,

"Get well soon, Alexander,"

About five or ten minutes later, Jace came barging into the room with  grim smile and embraced Alec so tightly that Alec felt his ribcage snap. He couldn't have had his ribcage impaired. He needed it. He groaned and Jace gently pulled away. Alec gave them a stiff smile when Izzy and Simon and Clary came to the room. Maryse arrived to enjoy the happy reunion and she almost cried when she saw Alec still ailve. Alec hid his hands beneathe the blanket and accepted the hug from his mother. He half-expected Max to come running to the room as whenever Alec got injured his younger brother spent sleepless nights watching over him. But now he was gone, Alec bit back a wave of despair.

How much can I take? thought Alec, How long will it be before I break down?

Maryse, Clary and Simon left the three to their own. Izzy stared at her brother and suddenly started yelling,

"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD! YOU IDIOT! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO ME?! DYING ON ME LIKE THAT! IF YOU EVER...I MEAN EVER....DO THIS AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD, I'll...I'll..." Isabelle's voice broke off as she hugged her brother again

"Oh, Alec I didn't feel anything wrong but I..when I got the phone call....I almost got a panic-attack," said Jace and grinned weakly at Alec's weakness for panic/anxiety attacks

"What was Magnus Bane doing here?" asked Alec his voice sharp and firm

"We didn't know what to do so...ah...we...uh..." Isabelle smiled sheepishly looking dow at her hands

"Since when do we ask help from downworlders?" hissed Alec and Jace flinched half in shock and half in disappointment

"Since when do we-" Isabelle twisted Alec's words around andd yanked Alec's hands from under the sheets and shoved them in his face, "-harm ourselves without talking to anyone else about what we feel?"

"I...you...told her?" Alec glared accusingly at Jace

"You mean...you mean...you knew?" asked Izzy

"Ofcourse I did, he is my parabatai...I felt the pain in my hand....that's why Alec I came to see you in the training room, how I knew you were there," said Jace wringing his hands avoiding both Izzy's and Alec's gaze

Alec sighed that he could be mad at Magnus Bane with his cat like eyes nd his gentle cheshire smile but he never could be mad at Izzy or Jace.



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