Chapter 7 - Denial

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Jessica's party. Everyone was there that night. One of the worst nights of my life. After what happened I bumped into you in the hallway on my way to the bathroom. You dragged me in and made me tell you what I saw. What I had just witnessed your best friend do. How 1/3 of your trio just let it happen. You had to believe me right? Why would I lie about something so serious?

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YOU KNOW THAT SONG I don't like Mondays? Well just call me the newest member of the boomtown rats because I really dislike Monday's now. After an internal argument with myself, I conclude that school isn't the best place for me to be right now. Thankfully my parents couldn't care less if I go to school or not. Hell, I don't even think they care if I graduate. They're too wrapped up in their failing marriage. I start my "sick" day off with a much needed lie in, a long shower, a breakfast delivered from monets and a trashy series on Netflix. A pile of clothes on the floor catch my attention. I've been meaning to have a clear out for a while but never got around to it. No time like the present.

An hour later and 2 bags of clothes to be donated, a constant tapping on my window distracts me. Spinning around to see what the noise was I nearly have a heart attack when I come face to face with my best friend, Justin Foley, standing outside my window. Hurrying over I unlock the window, standing back, to allow him inside.

"You do know the point of a front door is to use that to enter a house right?"

"I always come in this way though. Why break tradition?" He says while climbing through the window.

"Because it's less creepy to use the door"

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Why aren't you?" I retort.

"Because I'd rather hang out with you"

"Of course you would" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Are you ditching because of yesterday?"

"Kinda. Partly to do with the fact I don't wanna see Monty"

"Monty is on the war path today man. He's already got detention twice and it's not even 1PM" He explains while laying down on my bed.

"He accused me of cheating on him you know"

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah. He thinks me and Zach are more than friends because I defended him against Jensen" I flop down next to him.

"But you always defend Zach. You're like his personal body guard"

"I just think he's super insecure. I told him about Jeff. I explained everything"

"Did you tell him about the tapes?" He asks sitting up quickly.

"No but he knows something is up"

"Maybe you should tell him Dixie"

"No Jay. He must never know what's on my tape"

"Why not just tell him the other 11 then? I'm sure he can handle knowing the other stuff"

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