Your Worth Is Not Dependent on Your Job

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 You have been working so hard lately and your job is putting so much pressure on you. They keep expecting more from you. I can see how stressed you are and how much of a toll this has had on your. I don't like seeing you like this.

I want you to know that you are worth so much more than a job. You have so much fire and passion still inside of you for all of those goals you still want to achieve. Your value and worth are not solely based on your job and how much work you can get done for them.

I love how compassionate you are toward others, but you need to remember to be compassionate toward yourself. I get it. This is so hard. I struggle with it myself every single day. But do you know what? You are truly worth it. Yes, you are worth all the love this great big world has to offer you. When you forget to love yourself, I am here to remind you.

You still have a sweet, gentle, and kind spirit, no matter what your thought gremlins are trying to tell you. Your job may not see this in you, but I do. I just find that part of you to be so inspiring. Are you finding it hard to believe that someone is inspired by you? Well, it is true that I am. You are kind and gentle to others while showing your sweet side. Through your actions, you show others that they are valued.

I know all of this is just so difficult to read, but really, every word I believe wholeheartedly. I hope that someday, you feel all of this about yourself. Knowing that this is deep inside of you and that no one can take it away.

You are so capable of all of those goals you have outside of work. Every single one of them.

ZaneVI recorded this story for me. If you would like to check it out, go to

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