Do We Matter?

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 When it is out time to depart from this planet and cease to exist, we often wonder if our life had an impact on the lives of others around us. Our existence makes a difference in this world. If we weren't in each other's lives in one way or another, it would have a negative impact on how the world can be perceived through the lives we would have made an impression on.

When it is our time at the end of this life, those who loved us and those that we loved remember us for our kindness. Especially in the little things like how we treated others. Certain people we impact differently and they remember us for bringing laughter to this world. Our sense of humor and wit are the things that they will remember fondly. Our laughter may light up someone's life and we may never know it.

Sometimes the best things that we can do, that we are remembered for the most is how we loved others and made them feel accepted. Some people actually go through life feeling unloved and like they don't belong. I can only imagine that is a horrible feeling. Still sometimes we are remembered for how much joy we bring to the lives of others. Joy is found in so many things. Maybe it was the book you wrote or the artwork you created or even just spending time with others.

Just don't waste what little time you have. Make the most of every moment. We never know when it is our time, but we will know when we made a difference and left this world a better place.

ZaneVI recorded this story for me. If you would like to check it out, go to

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