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It was a new day and Taehyung had gotten better. During this time her could leave the house much.

In the mornings the doctor would come and check on him and gove him medicine to heal from his wound.

Jungkook would always bring him food and care for him. And Kookie would come and play.

Hobi would let Tae babysit Soobin while the guys were out.

Jin would always bring him new clothes to wear and the best homemade snacks.

And Jimin would always pop in to tell of the great adventures he would go on in missions. And cuddle with him to sleep.

It was hard being separated so long from eachother. Jimin and Tae did everything together. But watching Jimin grow and learn how to trust and other people was a nice sight to see.

Jimin would try his hardest to protect Tae no matter what. He has taken so much for him. Jimin deserved this place.

Here no one hurts them.
Here no one judges them.
Here no one forces them to do anything.

They live nicely.

Thats all he could ever ask for.

Namjoon is a man of his word. So Tae has learned to trust people too.

Taes train of thought was interrupted by Jungkook coming in to check on him.

"Hey there beautiful whatcha thinking bout?" He said sitting next to Taehung on the side of his bed. Je takes his hand and delicately move Taes long hair from out his face.

"I was just thinking about how I like it here a lot." Tae answered with a boxy smile.

"I like you here too." Jungkook smiled back.

Jungkook doesnt show this side of him often but when it came to Tae and Jimin he couldnt help himself. They were both gems in his life.

"They say that im clear to start working and getting out the house by tomorrow." Tae exicitedly said. "I wanna go on a date."

" A date?"

"Mhmm. Like the ones in the movies. Where the guy holds the girl waist while she leans in the front of the boat."

"The Titanic!"


"You do know that has a terrible ending right."

"It was too long so i never finished it."

Jungkook chackled at that statement.

"I want to go on a date with you and Jimin. Just us."

"Okay. Ill make that happen" Jungkook kissed the top of Taehyungs forehead before walking out to go find Jimin.

He walked into Jimin and Tae's room to find jimin in a white button down shirt that only stopped right at his thigh and so fuzzy pink ugg slides on. He had a bag of chips in his hands and  seemed to be watching Avatar the Last Airbender.

"Babes youre just in time Aang and  Zuko bout to fight again" He says stuffing another chip in his mouth while pointing at the screen.

Jungkook was internally dieing of laughter in his head as he went to go sit next to the man child.

He grabs the remote and pauses the show mid fight.

"Heyyyy it was getting good!" Jimin pouted.

"Taetae asked us on a daye for tomorrow." Jungkook says pecking kisses on Jimin's cheek for reconciliation for pausing the show.

Jimins eyes glitters in excitement.

"WEEAAALLY" He said in a baby tone.

Jimin quickly hopped up holding Jungkooks hand as he scurried across the house to the room Tae was in.

Jimin busted in startling Tae for a moment.

"Really you wanna go on a date with me?"

"I want to date both of you. Ive never seen three people be in like a relationship before but i know what love feels like and i feel like that with both of you and i just wanted to give it a try. If you wanna." Yae shyly said.

"Of course dummy" Jimin said wrapping Tae in a tight hug.

"Can i kiss you?" Tae asked Jimin with the most tenderest voice.

"Yea we have kissed many times before."

"No. Those were for show. They werent real. They had no meaning behind them." Tae said whole heartedly. "I want this one tk mean something."

"Okay" Jimin whispered softly as he connected his forehead to Taes.

Taehyung leaned in just brushing his lips across the soft skin before connecting them fully. And there it was a spark he had never felt before. The spark thag makes your stomach feel like butterflies flutter inside. The type that makes it feel like the world paused for a second just gor them.

Thier lips mended and intertwined like they were compelled by magnectic forces. And it was wonderful.

They parted for breath as they gave eachother the fondest smile. Ending of there moment with a  great big hug.

"Ehemm" jungkook cleared his throat rather loud.

The two instantly pounced on Jungkook and attacked him with kiss all over him.

They were happy like this.

A lil fluff before the rough never hurt nobody

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