Chapter 17. Unexpected

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"Excuse me, can you help me find the aisle for milk products?", an old lady approached Jin in the supermarket.

Jin was doing his monthly grocery shopping. The supermarket was situated in a commoner's plaza. It was famous for discounted and cheap items.

"Oh, I'll guide you, mam," Jin accompanied the old lady to the aisle where the milk products were displayed.

"Young man, can you please help me find some cheap milk for the elderly?"

Jin has a soft spot for older people. The woman, although much older, somehow reminded him of his mother. If his mother was still alive, they would probably be shopping together.

"Yes, mam. I will help you."

As he was checking on the different brands and prices of milk displayed, he accidentally bumped into a person. He never expected to see him in this place.


"Oh hello BABE. Looking beautiful as always. I miss you."

Jungkook leaned for a hug but Jin slapped his arm.

"Stop calling me babe. And why are you here?"

"Am I not allowed here? As far as I know, I don't see any poster with my face stating that I'm banned in this place."

"I mean, this is like a commoner's supermarket. What brought the number 1 business tycoon in Korea here?"

"If you have noticed Jin, I am not wearing my business attire because it's a weekend. No work. I'm not here for business. I was just so damn bored at home. So, I decided to randomly roam around the city. Along my very boring journey, I suddenly craved for banana milk. Then, I saw this small and common supermarket. Well, it's not the usual one I go, but it does have banana milk."

Jungkook shook his head and sighed. He looked so bored.

Suddenly, Jin felt guilty for judging Jungkook. He also felt too assuming that Jungkook would stalk him. Why would Jungkook do that? It's not like he was that special to be stalked by Korea's most sought bachelor.

As he was staring at Jungkook, he noticed his clothes. He was shaken. Jungkook was wearing baby pink hoodie, gray sweatpants and white shoes. He never expected him to wear that. He thought Jungkook was more into the neutral style. What was more unexpected was that Jungkook was wearing exactly the same color and style of his attire.

"Oh shit" Jin's jaw dropped. Shaking, he pointed at Jungkook's clothes.

"Why? What's wrong?" Jungkook looked at his clothes and stared at Jin with confused look.

Then, it hit him. They were wearing the same color and style of clothes. They were also at a random place, a place that neither of them expected.


Upon the sudden realization, Jungkook grabbed Jin's hand. He gave him a firm handshake.

"It's nice to see you, BUSINESS PARTNER."

He beamed his widest bunny smile.



11:00 am, I glanced at my watch. I paced back and forth searching for banana milk.

I'm actually growing impatient.

My private detective sent me daily pictures of Jin. Basically, I have been observing him for one month. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker. I was just doing my research for our "destiny dare".

I was checking on his outfits and his daily routine. He does not have that much clothes so it was easy for me to buy the same styles and colors of all of his clothes.

I also took note of what he did during the weekends. I chose weekend because it was more believable. What are the odds that you meet someone unexpectedly during a weekend, right? It could pass as a serendipity type of movie. As observed, he went grocery shopping during the second and last Sunday morning of the month. If my inference was correct, this was his routine. With that information, I drafted my plan A. If this was not the case, I also prepared a plan B.

To achieve my goal, all I needed were an accomplice, a simple but random excuse, a little bit of acting and the perfect timing.

I decided to hire an old lady to help me execute this plan. Who would deny an old lady for a favor? I'm 100% sure Jin would help her because he was kind.

And here I am, waiting for my future business partner and future boyfriend to come.

I positioned myself in a way that Jin would not notice me first. The old lady also did a good job of distracting Jin. She will definitely get a bonus.

As Jin was busy scanning the milk products, I moved to the area where he could possibly bump me.


It was amusing to see him get surprised. His round eyes widened, his jaw dropped and his plump lips formed a wide O. He looked like a cute shocked hamster. I wanted to squish him in my arms.

"Oh hello BABE. Looking beautiful as always. I miss you."

I love teasing him. Whenever I call him babe, he pouts like an adorable baby. Awwww.. I want to hug him even more. Unfortunately, Jin slapped me before I could even hug him.

As expected, he asked why I was here. So, my acting skills were tested. God, I was believable. Maybe, I should consider becoming an actor.

"Oh shit" Jin's jaw dropped. Shaking, he pointed at my clothes.

"Why? What's wrong?" I looked at my clothes and pretended to be confused.

I paused for a moment. Then, I acted as if I realized something.

I grabbed Jin's hand and gave him a tight handshake.

"It's nice to see you, BUSINESS PARTNER."

As my father always says, a well-thought of plan never goes wrong.

And fate offers opportunities but we make things happen.

"So, Jin. One month has passed." I pulled Jin closer to my chest.

I wrapped my left arm around his waist. My other hand caressing the back of his head. I leaned close to his ear and whispered in the most bewitching tone,

"Prepare for a heart attack every day."

Jin shivered and his ears turned red. Damn, why is he so cute?

I asked him to prepare for a heart attack. But I think, I'm the one who should prepare. My heart is beating wildly. I might end up in the hospital regularly for being a love-struck idiot.

Smiling like a crazy teenager who got noticed by his crush, I tried to drag Jin out of the supermarket.


A/N: *coughs... JK, you sly muscular bunny =)


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