Chapter 28

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Elle POV.

I'm up early the next morning, but instead of leaving Zak in bed because I know how much he detests it, I flip around and open the laptop, letting his hand hold onto my ankle, probably thinking it's my arm.

Seeing a small list, I crack on, only getting up to get food and a bottle of water.

When Zak finally wakes, I've done three hours of work and I'm squirrelling through the internet looking for an original painting for some artist I've never heard of. Yet again.

"You've been up a while."

It's not a question, more of a fact and I would question him on how he knows, but one look at me, it is obvious.

I've got half a plate of food, I'm down two bottles of water, I've got a pen in my hair and I've got a notebook full of notes.

"I have. But I've got most of my work done and now I've got the rest of the day to do whatever the heck I want." I tell him.

"Like working your resignation?" He suggests.

"Absolutely not. Now wake up." I lift my hand and drop it down hard on his butt making him grumble.


"You're going to work today. So shake a leg."

He lifts his head up "You're chirpy today."

"I feel really good actually." I tell him. It's the first morning I haven't felt like complete garbage and I'm hoping Zak can see that I'm capable of being left on my own and goes to work.

We all need a little space, and he owns a museum, which he cannot keep avoiding.

"Good. We can go out and do something today."

I nod "Or you can go to work and show face. People will be wondering where you are."

"Then they can wonder." He huffs into the pillow, wrapping his arms around it, determined to go back to sleep.

I let him snooze and soon find what I'm looking for, sending the link and address of the gallery to the client. Then I slip out of bed, clear up my mess and head for a shower.

Still no Zak.

I change, pass through the bedroom and pick up his phone, setting an alarm before heading through the house. When he finally appears, I've made him breakfast and he's had a shower.

Sliding into the kitchen chair, I set the plate in front of him and whirl around ready to do something else when he pulls me back to sit on his knee.

"You're very energetic."

"I am this morning."

He nods "Just promise me you won't burn yourself out by lunchtime."

"I promise. Whilst you go to the museum, I'm going to look online for some book shelves for the office."

"Okay but nothing major. You taken your meds yet?"

I shake my head "About to do it."

He releases me with a kiss on the temple and I stand at the kitchen counter popping the pills out and lining them up before taking them one by one.

"How come they've moved?" He asks gesturing to the vase of flowers, Aaron brought over yesterday.

"They needed fresh water. I want to keep them alive for as long as possible." I tell him, sliding down towards them and inspecting each flower.

I fuss around with them, arranging them before stepping back with a beaming smile. The orange lilies were a cool almost soft orange against the bright germini, there were other flowers there too to compliment them both, but I wasn't much of a florist to know what they were called.

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