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The core four led all of the villain kids that were still on the isle through Auradon. Everyone was amazed at the sight of the castle, school and everything else they came upon. It started to become dark and the villain kids were all heading home, back to the isle.

"Hey, Uma!" Evie called as Uma and her pirates had started to go back to the Isle. "Why don't you three just stay at my place?"

Uma turned around with a confused look on her face. She looked back at Gil and Harry as they shrugged. "Why?"

Evie smiled, "because you guys are my friends now, and it is getting dark,"

Uma took a few moments to think about the offer. "Yeah, I guess." She followed Evie back to her "starter castle" with Harry and Gil behind her.
Evie opened the door for them as the four of them took their place in the house.

"The guest house is downstairs, " Evie said as she grabs onto Doug, the son of Doppy's arm. Uma nodded and led the pirates down the stairs at the back of Evie's castle. Harry opened the door for Uma and Gil to walk through. Through the door there was a kitchen with black cabinets and marble countertops. The living room had a huge tv, much bigger than the one at Ursula's fish and chips, where Uma used to work before she escaped the Isle. There was only one bed in the room and a door, what they guessed was a bathroom.

"Guess who's sleeping on the floor tonight, boys?" Uma chuckles. The boys sighed, but knew that even if they tried they would not get their friend to give up the bed.


Back at the castle, Mal was with Ben, Beast, Belle And Fairy Godmother.

"What happens if some of the villains kids parents do want revenge?" Belle asked the other four in the room.

"Well," Said Mal, "I protect Auradon, and if the villains are too powerful, Uma and her pirates could help,"
Beast and Belle nodded.

"But where will we put them after you defeat them?" Fairy Godmother questioned. Mal hadn't thought about this.

"What if we build a special prison that has cells with a barrier around it, and every villain will have their own personal cell," Ben suggested. Mal looked up at Ben with admiration in her eyes.

"That's a great idea!" She explained. "When can we build it? It will have to be sooner than later." Beast nodded in agreement.

"I will get the Auradon official builders to start tomorrow!" He announced.

Mal and Ben dismissed the others and they all left to get some rest.

"I really hope this works out," Mal whispered. Ben nodded.

"And it will" he grabbed her hands, "we have help if we need it, and I'm sure not many villains will attack, they have had a lot to think about on that isle."

Mal nodded and chuckled, "maybe a little too much, what if they all have great plans to take over Auradon?"

Ben smiles at her, "Well then my queen will just have to stop them," he kissed her hand and went off to his bedroom. Mal smiled as she left to go to Evie's.


Evie heard a knock on her door and got up from watching her movie with Doug. She opened the door and say Mal. Evie gave her a big hug and let her in. They went over to Evie's designing room so Mal could tell her all about their decision.

"So they are thinking the single villain per barrier?" She asked Mal. Mal nodded and looked out of the window. She saw some rustling in the bushes. She figured it was just a squirrel so she continued telling Evie about their plans. After Mal was done Evie put a hand on her shoulder, "I think that is the best option, thank you for telling me about this," Mal smiled back at her. "I also need your help, so I want to know what kind of wedding dress you want..." as Evie walked over to her planning book.

The pirates laughed at Uma's joke about Mal. Uma and Mal were friends now, but they still made fun on one an other. They had turned on the TV to watch some show about vampires but had easily lost interest. Now they were just talking to each other about what they wanted to do in Auradon now that they were here.

"I want to go exploring and find a penguin!" Gil exclaimed. Harry and Uma laughed. "What?" Gil asked.

"It's nothing, Gil, we just thought you would want to do something less... pirate like since we're in Auradon now," Uma mentioned looking back at Harry.

"Oh." Gil said. Then he reached for Harry's hook that was sitting on the table.

"Gil!" Harry screamed, which made him jump. Uma laughed but quickly covered her mouth as Harry glared at her. Harry picked up his hook and pointed it at Gil. "Don't, touch my hook!"

Gil whined, "But Uma gets to-"

Uma put her hand up to cut them off, "Enough. I'm going to bed," Uma got up and walked towards her bed and handed the boys some blankets that were under the bed. "Have a nice sleep boys" she winked and chuckled before turning off the light and getting into bed. Eventually they all fell asleep and so did the rest of Auradon.

Authors Note:
Hello! I have never written a Descendants book before, or any book I hope you enjoyed! If you have any suggestions or questions comment them! (938 words) Thanks for reading!

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