Chapter 2

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The pirates looked at each other and ran too the basement see what the noise was. Harry slowly opened the door to guest house. Uma walked through the door to see nothing but a ton of water on the floor.

"Maybe one of the sinks flooded," Harry said as he walked over to the sink to inspect it.

"No," Uma said, "It's not the sink. It's my mother!"

Ursula opened the door to the washroom. "Ha! So I guess she is smarter than I thought,"

Harry stood in front of Uma, making sure Ursula wouldn't try to hit her with one of her tentacles. "Get away from her," Harry growled, pointing his hook at Ursula who was getting closer to them.

Ursula smiled. "Well if it isn't the infamous Harry Hook, always trying to protect my darling Uma." She chuckled and focused on Uma once again, "you know, that was a good plan. Helping them so they think we're on their side! Brilliant!" She praised her daughter.

Uma shoved Harry to the side so she was only inches away from her mother's face. "I didn't do it for you. I did it so the villain kids could be free from that island that you caused us to be in. You and all the other villains! I'm not evil, Mom." she scowled her mother.

Ursula gasped. "Ah! That Evie girl must have set up cameras, where are they?"

"There are no cameras!" Uma said trying to hold in her anger. Her mother had only ever used her for shifts at the her mother's restaurant and to be free from the Isle. Ursula looked down at Uma. "Ah! Mal spelled you then-"

"No Mom! I'm done with evil! The truth is I never really was, I just wanted what was best for the Isle! You should go..."

Ursula laughed and opened her mouth to speak again but Harry stopped her and held his hook at her face.

"Fine. Fine, I'll go" Ursula said as she was passing by the pirates to leave, "by the way, Harry, you really shouldn't be around Uma that much, you're a bad influence. You've gone soft." She laughed as she slammed the basement door shut. Uma grabbed Harry's arm as he was about to follow Ursula. "She's not worth it. Let's go find Evie."


"So The Queen of Hearts tried to get you on her side so you could both rule Auradon?" Mal questioned Evie. She nodded.

"Two villain encounters in one day.." Ben's voice trailed off. "This can't be good. I'll have all of the Auradon Guards alert of Mother Gothel and The Queen of Hearts" he announced to the two girls as he picked up the phone. But before he could put in a number Uma and Harry has burst into the door.
Mal stood up and turned around.

"Evie?" Uma shouted. She looked to see that Evie was sitting beside Mal and let out a breath of relief. "Are you Okay?"

Evie looked at Mal and then at Ben and he nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Mal and I have seen Mother Gothel and The Queen of Hearts looking for trouble."

Uma and Harry looked at the floor.

"Ursula was in the guest house. She thought Uma had only helped you against Audrey so you would trust her so you would bring the barrier down for her." Harry told their worried friends.

"Great. Another villain." Ben mumbled and picked up his phone again. "Yes. Hello. I have three villains you need to look out for. Yes. Three. Mother Gothel, The Queen of Hearts and Ursula. No not Uma, Ursula!" He hung up the phone to see Harry's hand on Uma's shoulder. The group started to fill Uma and Harry in on everything that had happened in the last couple hours.


"Carlos!" Jane yelled as she was walking down the street. She had just finished her magic lesson with her mother and was walking back to her house. Carlos noticed her and jogged over.

"How was your lesson?" He asked the daughter of the Fairy Godmother.

"It was great! Although I didn't actually get to do any magic. She just told me not to open the barrier again or anything like that..." Jane's voice trailed off. Carlos laughed and gave her a hug. The couple continued walking in no real direction around the park. Carlos And Jane sat down at a tall water fountain and started talking more about her magic lesson. Jane pulled out one of her mother's old spell books and flipped through the pages telling Carlos which ones she really wanted to learn.

"Cooking spell, dancing spell, flying spell..." Jane went on.

"Oh! A girl who reads..I was in love with one of those once." Beamed a voice from beside the couple. The two turned around quickly to see a very buff man. The man went on, "Her name..was Belle. And probably still is, but do you two lovebirds know where I could find her?"

Jane hid behind Carlos and gave out a little shriek.

"What are you doing here, Gaston?" Carlos questioned him, avoiding the question.

Gaston gave him a look and if looks could kill, Carlos would be dead. "I just wanted to see Belle, see if she's changed her mind about that husband if here's, what's his name again? Whatever I'll just call him Beast. Once a Beast always a Beast!" he flexed his muscles. Carlos rolled his eyes.

"What does that have anything to do with us?"

Gaston nodded. "You're friends with...Mal right? Yes I believe that's her name. She knows Belle very well. So I need you to sneak me into the castle so I can change Belle's mind about me!"

Carlos shook his head. "Leave us alone Gaston."

Gaston tilted his head gave a chuckle and started to walk of mumbling to himself how great he was and he didn't understand why Belle wasn't into him. Carlos And Jane ignored it and continued to talk to each other about spells and Fairy Godmother.

Authors Note:
Thank you for reading this Chapter of my story! (1021 words)

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