Chapter 1

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It had been a few days since the VKs arrived in Auradon. The pirates were still living in Evie's basement. No villains had attempted to attack Auradon. Everything was going perfectly...expect for Uma. Everywhere she went in Auradon, people whispered about her. About how she kidnapped the king and crashed cotillon. Uma usually didn't care about all the whispers about her, because on the Isle everybody was afraid of her and they worshiped her.

"We should get out of's Uma.." whispered a little blond girl to her friends as Uma, Harry, Mal, Evie. Doug And Carlos walked into Elsa's ice cream parlour. Harry nudged her forward. "Don't listen to them." Uma nodded and continued towards the counter. Jay and Gil were busy planning where they were going to go exploring while Jay took a gap year from college. They all ordered and sat down. The people from the other tables shifted over a little. Uma rolled her eyes and took a spoonful out of her ice cream.

"Hey, Where's Jane?" Evie asked Carlos. Carlos looked up from his chocolate ice cream.

"With Fairy Godmother, she has decided to train Jane in magic so she can protect herself from evil." Carlos said, shoving more ice cream into his mouth.

"I think that is a great idea," Mal said.

The six of them finished their ice cream and went their separate ways. Mal was walking back to the castle to meet Ben, he was at a meeting so he could not join then for ice cream. Mal had almost reached the castle when someone talked her on the shoulder. Mal whipped around to see a middle aged lady with black curly hair smiling at her.

"Ah! If it isn't You're majesty Mal," she spoke and bowed mockingly.

"Mother Gothel." Mal crossed her arms to glare at her. Mother Gothel had always tried to use Mal to get something, anything from food or treasures, because Mal was most feared on the Isle before she was chosen to come to Auradon.

"Is that a way to talk to me," Mother Gothel chuckled. "Now that you're Queen, I want you to do something for me..." her voice trailed off as she reached towards Mal's face. Mal put her hand up and grabbed Mother Gothel's. She laughed. "I want you" she said and pointed a finger at Mal, "to get me the wand! Easy peasy!" Mal smirked.

"I would never, do that. I'm done running errands for you," Mal started to walk away but was pulled back. "

"Mali.. it would make me ever so happy..." Mother Gothel frowned.

Mal smiled. "I'd rather not," Mal turned around quicker this time so she was not jolted back again. Mother Gothel cackled behind her.

Mal sprinted up to theb castle. She needed to tell Ben that Mother Gothel was after the wand. She opened the door to the castle and Ben was right there waiting for her.

"Wand......Gothel....Evil..." Mal panted.

"Whoa. Slow down." Ben said as he led her to a chair to sit down. He got down on his knee so he could look Mal in the eyes.

"Mother Gothel, she used to make me run her errands on the Isle. She masked me to get her the wand! She's after the wand Ben!" Mal finally let out.

Ben shook his head. He picked up his phone and punched in a number, "Yes, hello, I need more guards at the museum. Yes. Thank you." He hung up in the phone and looked back at Mal. "All taken care of."

Mal smiled and pulled him into a hug.


Uma, Harry and Evie were walking back to Evie's house. It was still mid-day and the weather was getting hot outside. Evie was walking behind Uma and Harry when she felt something hit her back. She turned around and standing there was the Queen of Hearts. Uma and Harry has kept walking and hadn't noticed Evie had stopped.

"Oh! Hi, Mary!" Evie Said. The Queen if Hearts/ Mary was holding a croquet ballet.

"That's Queen Mary to you!" The Queen of Hearts scowled.

"Well um, Queen Mary, how have you been?" Evie asked.

"Let's cut to the chase," she ignored her question. "We are both meant to rule! We are both Queens! And we were left to the Isle! The dirt! Nothing! We need to stand and rule together!" Mary reaches out her hand for Evie to take. Evie glanced at her hand then back at Mary's face.

"I can't. I'm not a villain anymore, I may be a VK, but I don't want to rule or destroy Auradon, I can't take your offer." Evie had a disgusted look on her face. Why would The Queen of Hearts want her help? And why did she want to rule Auradon? Was living here not enough for her? Mary scowled. She turned her head up high and started off towards the Isle again. Evie decided that she would tell Mal about this sooner rather than later, so she headed off to the castle.


Uma and Harry were at the entrance of Evie's place. "Hey, Where's Evie?" Uma asked Harry who was fiddling with his hook.

He looked up from the hook, "I don't know,"

Uma crossed her arms. "Huh, That was helpful," she muttered under her breath so Harry couldn't hear her. They  walked into Evie's house. Uma and Harry checked the whole starter castle to make sure she was not there.

"Maybe, she wanted more ice cream!" Harry stated. "Or she went to find Mal or Dizzy,"

The pair double checked the house just in case Evie was there but she was not. Just as the two pirates were about to go search for her they heard a CRASH coming from downstairs.

Authors Note:
Thank you for reading my story! Btw Mary is The Queen of Hearts. (If you got confused) Make sure to comment suggestions or any questions you have. Thank you! (966 words)

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