Chapter 3

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Evie, Uma and Harry had temporarily moved into the castle for more safety, just in case Ursula, Mother Gothel Or The Queen of Hearts came back. Carlos And Jane have not told them about their encounter with Gaston, they also didn't know about the other villains that could possibly want to destroy Auradon. Ben, Evie, Uma and Harry were in Ben's office discussing the plans. Ben had closed his royal blue curtains and sat down in his chair leaning back fiddling with a pen.

"If you see any of the villains come back here, but make sure you aren't followed!" He said frustrated. Uma and Harry had just asked if they could go back to the isle for the day, to check up on The Lost Revenge, their ship and the rest of their crew who still lived on the Isle.

"Yes Ben, we know," Uma said impatiently. She hit Harry's arm to get his attention. "Right, Harry?"

"Yeah. Yeah." Harry said under his breath.

"Ben. Are you sure? What happens if they are followed? Or if the villains attack while they are gone?" Mal asked with concern in her expression.

Ben sighed. "I'm sure we'll all be fine. But be back by 5:00 pm sharp. That gives you six hours." He pointed at them. The pirates nodded and they left his office, ready to go back to the Isle for the first time the barrier had been opened.

The two crossed the bridge between Auradon and the Isle and were greeted by both friendly and not so friendly people.

"Hey! Look it's Uma! Thank you for opening the barrier!"

"You're the best!"

"Uma is the greatest girl to ever walk this Isle!"

An old member of her crew, that she had gotton rid of before she had left to crash the cotillion had strutted up to her. "So! I guess evil isn't good enough for Auradon Uma now is it!" He paused. "You left evil and because a pretty pink princess!"

Harry held his hook up at him, "Is that your way of talking to your former caption?" He challenged.

"Give it a rest Harry." Uma grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "I'm no longer his caption, and I guess he's proving why I let him go right now."

Harry chuckled.

"And I didn't become a princess! Do you see me in long dressy gowns! No! I still wear leather! And I still carry a sword.." she drew her sword and pointed it as his neck. "Or is this still too princess for you?"

"No. No! Sorry Uma!" He raised his arms and backed away.

"That's what I thought." She scowled. "I may live in Auradon now, but I'm still a VK. And still a pirate." She put her sword back in her belt and motioned Harry to follow her as she left her former crew mate.

The pair walked through the Isle until they made a pit stop at Ursula's fish and chips shop.

"Be quiet." Uma whispered to Harry. "I just need to grab a few of my things,"

Harry nodded, showing that he understood and followed his caption into the spot where they always hung out when they lived here. They crept upstairs, they heard Uma's mother in the kitchen so they didn't have to worry about running into her upstairs. Uma told Harry to guard the stairs as she walked down a narrow hallway that led to the door of her old bedroom. She opened the teal door and she felt like the wind was knocked out of her. The last time she had seen this room was when she was planning her revenge on Mal, and now they were friends. The small cot had ripped sheets on them and the curtains were also shredded. She quickly made her way to her dresser and picked up the bag that was beside it. She stuffed some of her clothes in it, some old bracelets, some extra money and a picture of her and her crew. She remembered that day. They had just got possession of The Lost Revenge and we're celebrating because they now had even more territory, not just Mal's old one. Uma quickly got out of her little trance remembering that she had to get out of there and left her room, for the last time. Harry was fiddling with his hook as she reached him at the top of the staircase. "Let's go." She put a hand on his shoulder and led the way down the rickety stairs. They made their way out of the restaurant and continued towards The Lost Revenge. The ally ways were full of people. But not like she remembered it. Usually there were fights and robbery's but now there was just peaceful people, saying hello and being nice. Even though the barrier was open Uma did not think that the people  from the Isle would be nice. She tried to ignore it and approached her ship. Some of her crew was already there.

"I'm back" Uma said in a singing voice.

"UMA!" They all screamed about to give her a hug, but then remembered that it was Uma.

"Come on! Bring it in!" Uma laughed.

The crew jumped up. They never got to hug their caption, never mind touch her. They brought her into a big hug that lasted a very long time until Uma shrugged them off.

"So, hows the ship?" She asked her happy crew mates.

"Great! We've been making sure that it is all clean for when you returned!" They laughed.

Uma smiled. She loved her crew. She would never admit it but they always were there for her, even when she was pushing them around. She admired that about them.

"Hey, Harry. What time is it?" She asked her first mate. He pulled out his pocket watch.


Uma frowned. It had taken them twenty minutes to get to the Isle. They would have to leave soon, due to them having to be back by "5:00 sharp"

Uma sighed and looked up at her crew. "I'm so sorry guys. But we should be heading back. King's orders."

The crew shrugged. "That's Okay! Just pop by longer next time, it was good seeing you!" They waved bye to their crew and headed started to walk back to the castle.

They opened the door to Ben's office and the king stood up immediately. Mal, Evie, Carlos And Jane were also in the room.

"Where have you two been!" He shouted.

Authors Note:
Thanks again for reading my story! This chapter was pretty much just Uma and Harry. I usually only post one Chapter a day but I really quickly finished this one so why not post it? Hope you enjoyed! (1128 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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