Happy Birthday! /not a chapter

14 1 2

Normal POV:

It was a normal day for everyone in the small house. Glorja just woke up, all messy. That's Glorja. The all messy little girl.

She was awoken by Karva, banging the door like the house was on fire or something. Frightened, Glorja got up, got changed, combed her hair and got out of her room.

Her room was pretty in her opinion. The walls were soft yellow with soft mint lines. The ceiling is covered with stickers that light in the dark. The floor has a soft orange carpet. It's so fluffy-

The window is covered with light pink curtains. Her bed has blue covers, along with a white pillow. The wardrobe is white and yellow. The drawers are white as well. Her room is filled with anime posters and her ugly- *ahem* normal art-

As she was heading downstairs, she was met with...


She went to the kitchen, balcony, bathroom, living room. Nothing. She even searched in their rooms. Nothing. The last room was...

"hold on.." Glorja whispered to herself. "Don't tell me.." She ran to her room on full speed, almost tripping on the way.

As she got close to the door handle, she opened it and there was...


"SURPRISE!!" everyone yelled at the same time. Glorja at this point was shocked and wanted to cry from all the joy she felt. She ran over and hugged the breath out of everyone. Friendly G hugged her back, she was the only one to hug her back. Karva patted her on the back, since they were uncomfortable with hugs.

"You guys!" Glorja said, with tears in her eyes. "You guys are the best!" She said, happiness in her voice.

"We wanted to make this birthday special! You just got close to being a teenager!" Karva announced. It was true. Glorja is 12 years old now. She's 1 year closer to being a teenager.

"Thank you all so much!!" Glorja said happily. Her tears now spilled from her eyes, rolling down her red, chubby cheeks.



I turn 12 today! Pfft yes i may seem old but just wait till i do a face-reveal-

by the way, have Galaxy G for a short while-

till next time-


I hate you - not || Oc x Oc || GG (Glitchy Glorja) x KG (Killer Glorja)Where stories live. Discover now