A walk in the forest / 5

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Narrator POV:

GG woke up earlier than anyone else. So she wanted to surprise them. With some breakfast. As she began cooking, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw KG in adorable bloody PJ'S. GG thought she looked cute. But after realising what she said in her head, she blushed slightly and got back to cooking. "What are you.... doing up at.......8 am??" KG looked surprised to see it was 8:09 am. She would always wake up at 10 or so

"C-couldn't s-s-sleep so i b-b-began c-cooking... w-what about y-y-you?" GG responded. KG just gave a simple "smelled food so i came"

GG chuckled a little. KG was a little startled by the chuckle, since she seemed to never make GG laugh. They always fought.

"I SMELL FOOD!!!!" A friendly voice yelled.


"You're the one talking." Spoke a careless voice.

From first to last, the three people got downstairs. Friendly took a seat on the counter to see what Glitchy was doing. Rage took a seat on the table. While Karva took a seat on the couch in the living room, flipping over channels.

"Ughh... is it always like this now..?" Glorja said, annoyed by the loud noise that woke her up.

"Yes, now get used to it" KG responded, crossing her arms. Glorja huffed and sat with Karva, waiting for breakfast to be done.

(Timeskip cuz my lazy ass says so-)

After finishing, Glorja and Karva thought of a plan for GG to stop being all "lovesick" around CK. The plan was to make GG spend a whole day with KG doing whatever the please. As they starting the plan, both if them saw KG glaring at CK who was next to GG. Both pre-teens smirked and put their plan into action.

"KG can you do us a favor?" Glorja asked in her sweet tone. "If you want me to kill someone that bothered you, then im free, what's up?" Killer answered.

"Well... we want you to spend a day with GG, how does that sound?" Karva suggested. At this, KG seemed to turn a bright red. "W-what?"

"You heard them! Please? We'll leave you alone afterwards!" Glorja promised. "How will i be able to do that when we both don't hang out as good friends."

GG kind of overheard the conversation, so she decided to do something about it.

"F-fine, i-i-I'll g-go with you.." GG said, appearing from behind the wall she was standing at. KG seemed to get happy by this, but decided to not show it.

GG and KG both went to the forest for a walk then head back home. "So..." GG began, "Can you help me with something?" KG noticed Glitchy wasn't stuttering or glitching like usual, so she knew it was serious. "Uhhh... about what?"


"fine.... I'll help..."


oh noes, what did GG tell KG to do? find out on the next episode on Dragon Ball Z-


523 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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I hate you - not || Oc x Oc || GG (Glitchy Glorja) x KG (Killer Glorja)Where stories live. Discover now