Chapter 3

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Maddie's POV

It's been a little over 2 months since my talk with Kenzie. We both agreed to have a talk every month about different topics and answer whatever questions she has.

Today, it's just me her and the girls. Our parents are out of town so we decided to have a sleepover. Right now it's just me and the girls watching movies in my room. Kenz is in her room doing whatever.

There was a knock at my door, then Kenzie walked inside.

"Hey Kenzie!" We greeted

"Whatcha need Kenzie?" I asked.

"You were supposed to help me tonight" she said raising her eyebrows when she said help.

I then remembered that tonight we were supposed to have one of our talks.

"What do you need help with Kenz?" Chloe asked.

"Ya we can help" Brooke states.

She doesn't say anything, she just shakes her head no. "I made a deal with her that every month we'd have talk, since she's going through puberty" I explained.

"Awww Mackenzie! C'mon we'll talk to you too" Kendall insisted, pulling Kenzie up on the bed.

She sits down next to me and looks down at the bed.

"So Mackenzie what do you want to talk about first?" Paige asks.

She shrugged, "I don't know. I usually ask my questions and then we talk from there" she stated.

"So what kinds of questions do you have?" Brooke asks.

It's quiet for a moment, and then Kenzie shakes her head. "We can do this another time."

"No! You got yourself in this, and we want to talk to you and help you. No judgement her what so ever" Paige says.

Mackenzie hesitates, but then asks her questions. Most of them were about dating and sex, some were about boobs and periods.

"Okay, so what you period is, it basically shedding of this tissue in your uterus. Every month you release an egg from your ovaries, and so there's this tissue lining forming for it so when you have sex and get pregnant that's where it'll fertilize. But if it doesn't fertilize then you have your period and the same cycle happens again" Brooke and Nia explained.

"Now boobs. They'll come eventually, right now you're flat chested, so just give it some time they'll come" Chloe explained.

"Ya enjoy having a flat chest now. Cause once you get boobs. Like big boobs they ruin all your clothes" Brooke said. We all laughed.

We answered some more questions then we got to the ones about sex and dating.

"So are you having sex yet?" Paige teased jokingly.

"No I'm ten!" Mackenzie exclaims.

"I'm kidding. Are you dating anyone?" Paige asked.

"Nope" Mackenzie answered.

"Do you like someone?" Brooke asked.

Mackenzie suddenly got all blushy and looked away. It was really cute.

"Aw my baby sister likes someone" I gushed engulfing her in a hug.

"Stop, and don't call me that" she whines.

"Aren't you in fifth grade?" Kendall asked.

"Yes and?" Mackenzie questioned.

"We're in eleventh. You're a baby to us" I said pinching her cheeks.

Kenzie gets out of my grip and sticks her tongue out at me. So in return, all of us started to tickle her. Her laughter filled the room as well as her little squeals. It was cute. She begged us to stop, eventually we did but it was fun for us.

"So who's the boy?" Chloe asked.

"It's nobody you need to worry about" she sasses.

"Somebody's sassy" Paige stated.

"What I'm not going to tell you guys. You're just going to embarrass me or scare him off or something!" Mackenzie said.

"No we won't we promise" Nia says.

"Please tell us!" Chloe and I begged.

"Fine! His names Johnny" she says.

"Wait. Johnny Orlando? As in one of your best friends since pre k Johnny Orlando?" I question.

Mackenzie nodded. "Don't tell him! Please, I don't think he likes me back" she begged.

"You're joking right? He loves you!" Brooke said.

"No he doesn't" Mackenzie countered.

"Yes he does we've seen how he looks at you!" Kendall exclaims.

Mackenzie blushed. "You think he really likes me?" She asked.

"Yes! If he doesn't he better run because we'll kill him" I say.

"Please don't. He's still my best friend" Mack begged.

"We won't" we say.

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