Chapter 12

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Mackenzie's POV

"Hey kenz," my friends greeted as they approached my locker.

I turn and smile at them, "Hey, what's up?"

"So is it true? Did you and John finally make it official?" Annie asks.

I nod smiling. "Yes ma'am, we are official as of yesterday," I confirm.

The girls squeal in excitement. They have been waiting for this day to come. Well, really everyone had been waiting for this day to come.

"He never told me he was going to do it," Lauren mentions as we started walking to class.

"Because he'd knew you would ruin the surprise," Ruby scoffs.

Lauren can't keep secrets like that, it's almost impossible.

We walk into our class and take our seats next to each other. Soon the boys file into the room, John taking his seat next to me. He leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Hey babe," he smiles. "How's your day been?"

"Good, even better now that you're here."

His smile gets bigger as he leans in closer to me. "So I was thinking, me and you ditch this class," he whispers. "Go have some us time."

I smirk, the thought of skipping class to have sex sounded amazing,

I nodded smiling at him. Thankfully we sit in the back of the class by the door, so leaving was easy.

As soon as we left, John takes my hand and leads me to football field.

"John, where are we going?" I question.

He doesn't answer, instead, he starts looking around to check for teachers as he leads me to a shack at the far end of the school.

"Where are we?"

"It's a hangout for the football team," John says. "Mainly to smoke or drink, sometimes for hookups."

I nod as we entered the run-down shack. There were two beaten up couches, Christmas lights lit up the area and a lot of milk cartons used as tables. Posters on the wall were from the school through the years, it was actually really cool.

He takes a seat on the couch after tossing his bag off to the side. I do the same but, I straddle his lap, facing him I lean my head down and start making out with him.

He grins into it and started to bite my lip. I smile and take a moment to look into his eyes before continuing. I start to kiss his jawline, moving down to his neck. I take a moment to kiss a spot of his neck I know he likes.

"Shit Kenz," he groans.

I move my way back up towards his ear, nibbling his earlobe momentarily before whispering in his ear.

"I want your dick daddy."

He groans, tossing his head back. Below me, I feel him harden. I slide off him and onto the floor getting on my knees. I undo his belt and unbutton his jeans, he slides off his jeans and boxers down to his knees.

"You know what to do baby girl," he says, caressing my cheeks.

I nod and start to do my thing. I start to stroke him as my tongue runs over his balls and up the shaft. I make eye contact with him as I wrap my mouth around the head and slowly go down on him.

I switch up my usual moves and do something different than what I usually do to him causing him to release a lot faster than usual.

He groans and I wiped my mouth as he pulled up his pants and boxers.

"Your turn."

He pulls me up and lays me down on the couch. He starts to kiss my neck as he slips off my shirt. His hand plays with my boob, squeezing it causing me to moan.

He moves his hand down to my jeans and unbuttons them, sliding my jeans and panties off. He rubs me to get me wetter than I am and he teases my neck. My breathing becomes heavier as he moves down and gets to business.


We managed to miss more than just one class. We missed two. Needless to say, we lost track of time.

"Come on, it's almost lunch," he says, taking my hand in his.

We managed to sneak back into the school without being caught. We walk into the lunchroom and meet up with our friends in line. John starts talking to the boys as I turn towards the girls.

"Where the hell did you go?" Ruby asks.

"Shack at the back of the school," I respond. "We had some... fun."

"Damn Kenz, high school is causing you to wild out," Annie jokes.

I laughed and shrugged as I grabbed my lunch off the line. "I mean high school is for new experiences."

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