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Lance woke up on his couch, a line of drool leaving his mouth. He quickly wipes it off and looks around and stretches while yawning. He gets up and makes his way to his bathroom to freshen up, he sighs and stretches again, trying to crack his back, his back aches for sleeping on the couch, plus falling asleep in the limo. God he hoped Pidge didn't take embarrassing pictures of him sleeping last night. Lance groaned, most likely they did because, they're Pidge why wouldn't they? he sighed as he brushed his teeth and showered, he quickly get dressed and does his hair and throwing finger guns in the mirror "looking sharp sharpshooter" he say happily and shooting himself a wink through the mirror, it was no lie that Lance took care of himself, everyday when Lance wakes up he always does a face routine and does another face routine before bed. which is what he is doing now, his routine, of course he can't get all the ladies without a smooth clean face. once he was finished he makes his way to his kitchen and takes an apple and bites into it and hums happily to himself and pulls out his phone while taking another bite, he decided to text Hunk about the collab arrangement he talked about last night. After a few messages sent he gets a call from said cinnamon roll named Hunk. Lance picks up the call "so is this mystery person you paired me up with?" Lance said eager to know "I haven't really decided yet but it's either this guy named Rolo or this guy named Keith Kogane" Hunk said Lance thought about, if he's gonna be paired up with someone then they have to make him look good to put him more out there "how popular are they?" Lance asked "Rolo is really popular for his catchy songs, but he's a bad crowd to be with" Hunk said hesitantly "how about that Keith guy?" he asked "Keith is super popular and well known, not a social person but people think super highly of him" Hunk said and Lance smiled a bit, he didn't want to be known for bad things if he made a song with Rolo and Keith seems way better of a choice "pair me up with that Keith guy" he finally said "you got it" Hunk said, they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Lance finished his apple and went to his living room and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels but nothing seemed that interesting to watch. He finally decided on netflix instead and picked a show about these teens that go into space and fight aliens called the galra along with an alien princess and her advisor, they fly these robot lions and form a giant robot named Voltron. Lance was really interested with the show, especially with this character who pilots the blue lion, he seems a lot like Lance. After a few episodes he turned off the TV and left the house, he wanted to walk around for a bit. Wondering when he was gonna meet this Keith guy and how was he like or how he looked like. Lance wonders what his voice sounds like and who he is personally, he looks around and smiles enjoying the scenery around him, he continues to walk around but the curiosity about Keith still lingers in his mind.

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