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Keith sighed as Shiro left the room to answer a call, he looked around his living room. He started brainstorming his next song, he quickly got out his notebook and jot down a few lyrics he thought of until Shiro came back. Keith looked up from his notebook "who was it?" he asked as Shiro tucked his phone in his pocket "it was a manager from another musician, he wanted to know if you were interested in collaborating with their client" Shiro said "who's the musician?" Keith asked skeptically "his name is Lance" Shiro responded sitting next to Keith "Lance, he sounds familiar" Keith says putting down his notebook trying to remember where he heard that name before, he closes his eyes for a moment, trying to remember where he heard that name before. Keith eventually shrugs it off and stares down at his notebook, staring down at the lyrics and reread them and ripped out the page and crumpled it and hit his head with notebook repeatedly "I have nothing, oh my god" he said between the hits and Shiro stopped him "don't be hard on yourself, calm down" Keith sighed and ran a hand through his now aching head.

"Can we go out for coffee, please?" Keith begged and Shiro sighed "no, you're becoming addicted" he said sternly and Keuth whined "it helps me brainstorm though" he tried convincing and Shiro shook his head "it also keeps you up all night and you have to go to the studio first thing in the morning so no" he said and Keith accepted his defeat and tried to brainstorm again and jotting down what his mind pieced together, this time it was actually good. He managed to had written down half a page before he decided he'll continue later or the next day and let Shiro skimbit over to give him criticism, Shiro nodded approvingly and smiled "it's good, what are you deciding to do with this song?" he asked and Keith groaned, he hasn't thought about it and he shrugged "I'm not sure yet" he said and Shiro nodded understandingly and Keith got angry at himself, he's usually so planned out and now his brain is like mush. Keith shook his head "can we" "no" Shiro said knowing what he was going to say Keith gave him pleading eyes and Shiro caved for two reasons. One, he was weak to those eyes and two, he wasn't planning on getting annoyed by Keith.

Keith smiled and got up and ran out the door and Shiro followed regretting everything. 

Keith wondered on who Lamce was and why it was so familiar. Maybe high school,  Keith happily got his coffee and let his mind pick at old memories trying to remember the name Lance, trying to put a face to the name in his head. He didn't want to search it up because he left his phone at home and he also didn't want to be creepy.

Who is Lance?

Finally an update on rumors! and we got to see Keith, it's short but I like cliffhangers so stay tuned.

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