Chapter 8

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Harry Styles

What have I done? Why did I listen to Louis? Wait, why did we listen to Louis? Monica had as much fault as I did in this situation. Yeah, she was a lovely babe, but a French kiss? Louis, let’s just blame it on Louis. Look at me! I can’t even think straight!

“Harry?” Talia said, sitting in front of me. There was a look of concern in her eyes, and I began to wonder what I looked like, if it was that horrible. “Are you alright? You seem kind of pale.”

“Fine,” I replied, standing up. I’d been sitting for a while now, and when I stood up that quickly, everything went black for about five seconds and I found myself lying on top of Talia on the floor.

Harry!” Liam shrieked, and I quickly scrambled off of Talia. Oh, dear. I’d gotten him so angry those past couple of days, not intentionally, though. He grabbed her arms and pulled her up, asking if she was okay. She nodded and waved him off.

“You’re sure you’re alright, Harry?” she asked.

“I just need some fresh air, alright?” I replied, with unintended anger and ran out of the hotel room. The top of the hotel seemed like a good idea at the moment. There should be a nice cool breeze up there, and with the garden and all, it would be peaceful.

As I pressed the button in the elevator, I saw a young girl walk in as well. She looked about nine years old, and I wondered why a parent would leave a child alone like that.

“Excuse me?” I asked her, and she turned to me, a bit wide eyed, seeing who I was. “Are you alone? You shouldn’t be, you know. There are some people out here that-“

As soon as the elevator door opened, she screamed and ran out, and I sighed. What was wrong with me? A few floors later, and the doors opened again. As I walked out, a slight breeze hit my face. I really needed to calm down.

I walked over to the railings, and looked down, becoming dizzy again. All the anger, thoughts of lovely Monica, and sympathy for the little girl was killing me. I was slowly leaning over the edge…

“HARRY!” I heard someone say, but didn’t pay attention. It felt nice, rocking back and forth on the railing. Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back, sending me falling face down on the floor. Although, I didn’t land on the floor. I landed on someone. That someone had very wavy brown hair, her eyes like dark chocolate. Her skin was pale, not too pale, but pretty.

“Harry,” she said. The voice sounded familiar, and it came out more like a sob. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“

“Don’t worry about it, Monica,” I replied, staring straight at her in the eye. There were tears streaming down her face, and I wondered why she was so sad. Wait, I almost… Oh.

“You deserved better treatment. It’s my fault you’re like this,” she sobbed into my blue blazer. I wondered why she hadn’t become crushed under my weight yet, but I couldn’t get up because she had her arms around me in a hug.

“Wait, I’m like what? What’s wrong with me!?” I demanded, a bit too dramatic. I rolled off of her and onto my back, staring at the sunlight.

“Don’t look at the sun directly, Harry,” Monica said, putting her hand on my eyes. I sat up, looking at her directly in the face. She sighed, and looked down at the floor. “Talia told me you fainted in the hotel room, and sprinted out like a mad man out the door. Liam was quite furious, but he looked a bit worried as well. We were all looking for you.”

“I’m sorry,” I muttered. “I shouldn’t have argued with you in the first place, or kissed you in the way that I did. I shouldn’t have walked in without knocking, or agreed to the French kiss. It’s all my-“

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