Chapter 16

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A/N: Last chapter ;)

Monica’s Point of View

“…Baby… Get… The… BABY!” I jolted awake, hearing Harry yelling. I turned around and found both him and me on the floor of the kitchen. He was talking in his sleep, again. I wasn’t too sure what this baby deal was about, and I didn’t want to know. I looked down to see that I was still in my clothes from the night before, but they were a bit ruffled up. My blazer had white powder on it, which I suspected to be flour. Harry, being the drunken boy he was, had gone through the whole pantry… Naked, I must add. He had thrown things at me until I had finally strangled him and he had fallen asleep in a pair of boxers that MacKenzie had thrown at me.

I looked and saw that he was still in the boxers I had forced him to wear, and had tomato sauce all over his back. How we had fallen asleep on the kitchen floor remained a mystery. I got up and walked to the dome shaped living room tying my frizzy hair in the process with an elastic band that was always on my wrist. What I saw almost made me laugh when I walked in. Mackenzie was asleep on the big ottoman, her bow tie pin that was on her hair the night before now taped on her forehead. Louis, however, was a different story. He was asleep on the couch, his hands tied behind his back with some handkerchief of some sort. I walked over and untied his hands before going on the hunt of Niana.

Upstairs in the guest bedroom was where they were, probably. I opened the door and found neither of them there. The bed was actually made very neatly - something that never happens – and the closet was cleaned. What the hell happened?

I heard a groan come from the bathroom, and opened the door. Niall was asleep in the tub, one of Liana’s bra’s actually over his shirt. Liana, however, was sitting over the toilet, vomiting.

“Liana!” I yelled, running over to her. I quickly grabbed another elastic band that was on my wrist and put her hair in a bun at the top of her head as she gagged into the toilet. I rubbed her back until she was done, and watched her fall back onto the bathroom floor.

“That’s been going on all morning,” she groaned, clutching her stomach. Her cheeks were tinted a faint green as she leaned over and flushed the toilet, making Niall wake up with a jump.

“I… Haz… What?” he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He looked over to his girlfriend, who lay very sickly on the floor. “Liana?”

“Yes?” she replied.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she lied, but then grabbed the edges of the toilet bowl again. She gagged, but nothing came out.

“Liar,” Niall muttered, getting out of the tub. He looked down and saw that he was actually wearing a bra over his shirt. “Bloody hell…”

He unhooked it and threw it behind him before bending over by Liana and rubbing her back. She took in deep breaths  and looked up for a moment.

“I’m done,” she proclaimed, getting up. I handed her a toothbrush and toothpaste and allowed her to brush her teeth. Niall and I stared at her, worried it might happen again. “What?”

“You’re okay, now?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, buddy! I’m fine!” she said, smiling. Niall laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bathroom, probably to change.

“Hey, who cleaned the bedroom?” I heard him call from down the hall.

“Me,” Liana said, splashing some water on her face.

Niall poked his head back in the bathroom. “You,” he said, pointing at her. “Cleaned that room?”

“Yes, is that hard to believe? I thought it was messy, so I cleaned it,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

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