Chapter 12

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Monica Bouvier

“Get up,” Liana said, smacking my shoulder. I moaned in pain and turned around, muttering a soft ‘no.’ “Get the fuck up, Mon.”

“No,” I said, scooting away from wherever her voice was coming from.

“Liana, don’t curse,” I heard Harry say, about two centimeters away from my face. Ooh…

I opened my eyes to see the curly haired and green eyed boy staring down at me, a smile playing on his lips. I raised my eyebrows at him, making him roar in laughter.

“Did I miss something?” I asked sitting up.                                                                

“You missed a lot of things. Even Zayn is up,” Liana said, smacking me in the back of the head.

“Ow!” I said, pushing her. She was doubling over in laughter. I turned to Harry for help, but he was not there anymore. I groaned and ran out of Harry’s room, leaving Liana laughing at nothing as she sat down on the floor in the middle of the room.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, wearing only a pair of Harry’s gym shorts and his Jack Wills sweater. The other girls seemed to be wearing similar outfits. Liam was in the dome ceilinged living room, on the phone with management, it looked like. Niall was eating some sort of breakfast sandwich, and Louis was dozing off on the couch, where Liam was talking on the phone. MacKenzie was snapping pictures of the sleeping Doncaster boy, probably to annoy him with later.

Talia and Aleka seemed to be having a heated discussion over breakfast, and Niall was trying to keep up with whatever they were saying. It was in Spanish, of course. Zayn came walking down the stairs with a freshly done hair do, but in pajama bottoms and shirtless. Aleka seemed to stutter a bit as she talked when he walked by, making Talia giggle.

I suddenly felt someone poke me in the sides and jumped, ready to sock whoever had dared to touch Monica. Yes, I talk in third person at times. It was Harry, wearing a shirt and baggy boxers.

“Where’s Liana?” I heard Niall ask me, as he finished off his sandwich.

“She’s laughing in Harry’s room,” I answered, receiving an odd look from the Irish lad. “Don’t ask. Just save her before she dies.”

Even by hearing the word death and having Liana mentioned in it, he ran up the stairs without another word. Zayn interrupted Talia and Aleka’s conversation by lifting Aleka up and sitting in her seat before placing her on his lap.

“Are you hungry?” Harry asked me, as he munched on an apple that was in his hands. I shook my head, receiving a death glare from him. I raised an eyebrow, but he just smiled at me with a devious look in his eye. When I opened my mouth to say something, he stuffed the apple I was eating into my open mouth.

“Don’t choke another girl, Haz,” Liam said, as he walked in. I took a bite of the apple and decided to keep it for myself as Harry grabbed another one. We had all spent the night at Harry and Louis’ flat for a few days to make up for all the nights the boys had spent at our hotel. Plus, the reservation at the hotel had ended a few days ago as well, so each of the boys were taking turns having slumber parties at their flats. It was Harry and Lou’s turn, in this case.

“I didn’t choke her, Li. I just fed her breakfast,” Harry said with a cheeky smile, as he ruffled Talia’s hair and left the room. I rolled my eyes and took Niall’s seat at the table Talia and Aleka were talking at, with the exception of Zayn, of course.

With the bits and pieces I knew of Spanish, I caught a couple bits of the conversation.

“What are we going to wear, though? I don’t think either of us have been at an interview before…” Talia said, fixing her hair that was messed up, thanks to Harold of course.

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