Chapter 11

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Aleka Ortega

“She’s not dead, right? Just asleep?” I heard Harry ask. I kept my eyes closed and tightened my arms around whatever I was holding onto, which was warm and smelled nice.

“Asleep. Now, shut up before you wake her up!” I heard Zayn say, whatever I was holding onto vibrating a bit as he did so. I must’ve been asleep on Zayn’s chest, if I could hear him so close and even vibrate as he spoke. I thought of one thing when I realized that I was asleep on his chest.

Zayn Jawaad Malik had saved my life.

… And then kissed me.

“Er… She’s not breathing! Aleka!? ALEKA!” I heard Zayn scream. I opened my eyes and stared up at his own, which was the exact same color. He sighed in relief and gave me a smile. “You gave me a fright, there, love.”

“I was just thinking,” I replied, squirming off of him and sitting in the seat next to him. We were in the van again, probably on our way to Louis and Harry’s flat. I counted the heads of whoever was in the van. Liana, Niall, Talia, Liam, Monica, Harry, myself, and Zayn were there, two people short.

“What about?” Zayn asked, referring to my last comment. I shrugged and winked at him.

“You,” I said, then stopped myself when he blushed. “Saving my life. You, saving my life. Thanks, Zayn.”

“Oh,” he said, smiling at me. “You’re welcome.”

“Where are Lou and Kenz?” I asked, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. Zayn shrugged.

“Dunno. They said they’d meet us there,” Monica answered for him, staring down at her phone. “Ha, they got a picture of Liana getting pushed in the pool!”

“Let me see that,” Liana said, grabbing Monica’s iPhone out of her hands. “Tumblr will be the death of me, I swear.” She passed the phone around, and sure enough, there was a picture of Niall throwing Liana in the water. She had the funniest look on her face, and I laughed. “It’s not funny. They’re going to catch me at a bad moment soon.”

“Well, if you’re my girlfriend, that’s what happens!” Niall announced, as Paul pulled up at the building. I knew Niall and Liana were going to go on fast in their relationship, but this is a bit odd. I hadn’t really heard them call each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

“So. You two are a couple now?” Zayn asked. Is he reading my mind or something!?

Yup,” Liana answered, getting out of the van. “I’m seriously wondering where Mackenzie and Louis are.”

“Or doing. I hope they’re okay,” Liam said.

“Quit it with your sensibleness and move so I can get out of the damn van!” Zayn said, since Liam was blocking his way. Harry walked over to Zayn and smacked his hand over his mouth and hit him on the back of the head. “ARGH!”

“Don’t swear!” Harry said, dusting off his shoulders as if he had won a battle. Monica rolled her eyes and continued to walk to the flat. We all got out of the van and bid Paul goodbye before going up a set of stairs and elevators to get to a door.

“I’m hungry,” Niall said, yawning. “And sleepy.”

“Both can be fixed,” Talia said, as Harry swung the door open. We all walked in, and were amazed by the flat. “Holy…”

“Kitty cow pie,” I finished, using her catchphrase. She looked at me and she wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh again. The living room had a dome shaped ceiling with a large chandelier hanging down from it. There was a large couch with a humongous ottoman in front of it, both the same color and texture. The pillows had the faces of classic movies that were in black and white, with pictures of Harry and Louis’ families hanging on the walls.

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