Me and the Motd crew and the Origins crew :3

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Me; *Playing Buried online and recording* "DUDE, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Leave the dude be. He doesn't have a mic, fucker" -.-

Billy and Dempsey; *Stare at Author Chan/Me*

Person on the game using mic; "And if I don't? Whatcha gonna do, bitch?"

Me; *EARRAPE RAGE* "HUSH, HUSH, KID. YOU BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP. If I could, I would've grabbed that headset you have and would've shoved it up your A-"

Richtofen; 0-0 *Inserts censor beep* "The children can't hear that insult :3"

Takeo; "A very dishonorable word..."

Sal; *Mind* "Oh, shit. She got that from me... I-"

Weasel (Al); "Here Author Chan, let me say something to them :>"

Me; "Okay UwU"

Weasel (Al);

"SPEAK MOTHERFUCKER. Say one more thing and I will drop kick your dumbass to the ground!! Especially if it's to me, Sal, Finn, or (My name, but not saying what it is :3). ESPECIALLY BILLY, if you touch my bae, you finna be thrown off the bus on TranZit, MY GUY. Don't try me!"

Me; *Cuts video* •~•

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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