The Evolution of Science

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When I was young,
and trust me,
that was long ago,
science was a given thing,
a force for good,
whose purpose was to benefit

We flew through space
and reached the moon.
We cured disease
and kept it cured.
We sought the origin of man
and how man would survive.
We looked into the universe
and everyone was proud.
We built new things
and fixed what broke,
but now somehow the moneyed class
has given politics a stroke.

Now science has become,
it seems,
a matter of opinion,
where vaccines are questioned,
climate change denied,
evolution held in contempt,
facts ignored
and research ridiculed,
because some people,
too afraid to think,
have had their feelings hurt.

Science was big when I was young,
it now seems very small,
phones and tablets,
social apps,
Botox and video games,
good thoughts and wishful thinking,
hoping things will just work out,
while science whispers cautiously,
where once it used to shout.

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