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George and Henry sat comfortably on Henry's couch. Just like they did every Friday after school. The two boys had been friends forever and were very comfortable around each other. Recently though, george had developed, feelings.

At first it started with the two getting a bit too comfortable on the couch or the flirty jokes being a bit too flirty. Neither boy seemed to care though, it felt very natural.

After awhile george realized he might actually have feelings for his best friend, but he would never act on them in any serious way. Of course he wondered if the feelings were reciprocated. It really seemed like they were, until one day that started off so normal, and ended so horribly.

It was a Sunday and the two decided to walk around and just hang out in downtown London.  Henry brought two joints that he had been saving. The two had smoked together a few times before so it wasn't exactly a new occurrence but a poorly timed one for sure.

After just a few puffs george, being the light smoker is, quickly started to feel the affects. The boys sat in an alleyway to avoid getting caught. George couldn't help but notice how close they were sitting. He stared up at his friend and realized the two were slowly getting closer together.

George was clearly unable to make smart decisions, but this one felt so right. He decided to risk it and close the gap between them.

The kiss was just a short few seconds, yet despite being high and lovestruck, george still remembers it clearly. One specific part of the kiss would be burned into georges mind forever, the part when Henry pushed George off and abruptly stood up.

"what the hell george! what the hell!"

George remembers the exact confused and angry tone his friend used just before he stormed off.

Somehow after a long few days, the two boys were back to normal. In George's mind though, it was the farthest thing from normal. Henry wouldn't dare even brush his hand against george, let alone let any even remotely flirtatious joke slip. The playful relationship they had before was gone, and deep down george knew it would never come back.

They still hadn't talked about what george did, not to mention how distant, awkward, and stiff henry acted around george for the following 2 weeks.

George couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't bare their friendship go on that way, and he finally spoke up.

"we need to talk about what happened henry"

"what" henry replied with no emotion detectable on his face.

"the other day henry, when we were smoking in the alley"

George could tell henry wanted to avoid this for as long as possible and he was starting to get visibly upset.

"that was fucked man, you know i'm not into- into guys"

Henry's words said one thing but his face told george that he was hurting, not angry.

"I'm sorry i was just-"

"JUST WHAT GEORGE?? BEING A FUCKING FAG??" Henry yelled out, cutting george off.

Georges eyes welled with tears as he swiftly got up and left.

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