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thanks for all the wonderful feedback on the last chapter, you guys are the best :)

"Cora, you're crazy." Macy shook her head. It was almost midnight and we were supposed to be asleep, but we were talking. It's been 2 days since Hunter and I got in trouble and tomorrow was my birthday.

"No I'm not. I just really wanna find my Mom! If your Mom was alive wouldn't you want to find her?" I explained. I had told Macy my plan. Tomorrow night I would sneak onto a bus and hopefully end up in Pocatello Idaho. That was 2 states away but oh well.

"Well yeah I guess. But isn't it dangerous? I mean California is a long ways away from Idaho." Macy chewed on her lip nervously.

"Only 2 states! I promise I'll be careful!"

"Well okay, but I'll miss you."

"I'm not leaving yet. I'm not leaving till tomorrow night!" I told her and she nodded, slipping back into her bed, right next to mine.

"Let's get some sleep now." Macy yawned.

I snuggled back into my blankets and let sleep take over me. Dreaming of a mother with long blond hair.


"Morning Miss Hattie!" I smiled, taking a bite of my toast.

"Well good morning birthday girl!" Hattie beamed and handed me a package. All the kids gathered around me.

"Open it!"

"Come on Cora, what's in there?"

I smiled, enjoying the attention. I ripped open the package. Savoring the moment. Inside the package was a little gold necklace. "Woah! It's really pretty! Thanks!" I gave Hattie and Jacob hugs and Hattie helped me put the necklace on.

"Your very welcome sweet girl!" Hattie beamed.

While I was washing the dishes I slipped 2 left over biscuits into my pocket. I would need all the food I could get.

"Cora, I got you something." I jumped a little, I thought I was the only one in the kitchen. It was Macy.

"Oh Macy, you didn't have to get me somethin' !"

"I know, but I wanted too. You're like a sister to me, and I'm gonna miss you like crazy!" Macy handed me a card. It was decorated with glitter and flowers.

"It's beautiful. I love it!" I hugged her.

"It's nothin' special. I didn't have any money to buy something fancy." She replied.

"It's perfect. Thanks." I replied.

Macy handed me a water bottle. "Some of the other kids and I bought this for you. In case you get thirsty. See, you just refill it." She opened and closed it. It was plastic and pink.

"Thanks." I smiled, giving her another hug.


"Do you really have to leave?" Sadie tugged on my jacket. Most of the girls had woken up to say goodbye.

"Yeah, but I'll call when I get there! I promise." I threw the messenger bag over my shoulder with my belongings and supplies.

"Bye girls, I'll miss y'all." I whispered, careful not to wake Hattie and Jacob who were downstairs.

"Cover for me." I mouthed to Macy.

"How?" She asked, and I shrugged.

I climbed out the window. It was on the 2nd story but I could slide down the porch roof. I hit the ground with a thud and took off running towards the bus station. The bus would leave early in the morning and the sun was already rising. I had decided not to leave in the night cuz the darkness creeps me out. I reached the bus station and sat down on a bench, sipping some water.

It had never occurred to me that you might need money to get on the bus. So, when I asked for a ticket and the woman wanted money I was really confused.

"Hon, you can't get on the bus without a ticket, and you can't get a ticket without money." The woman slowly explained.

"Oh well than I guess I can't go." I told her and she hurried me along so she could help the next person in line.

So here I was sittin' on the park bench all alone, watching the bus to Idaho leave, along with my dream of finding my mom, and feeling bad for myself, when he showed up.

"Argh! I missed the bus! I can not believe this!" The man, well more like boy, yelled.

"Who, you talkin' to mister?" I asked him.

"What? Oh, um no one." He sat down next to me. "I missed the bus, and now I can't get home."

I nodded, because I understood. "You and me both. Where ya headed?"

"Pocatello." He answered.

"Me too. Or at least I was." I sighed.

"Yeah, well I was going to take the bus to save money on gas, but might as well drive there." He nodded towards his truck. "You ugh want to come?"

I could tell he felt bad for me. "Me?"

"Yeah you. You comin' or not?"

I nodded and climbed into the passenger seat. This is it, I thought. I'm really going to Idaho!

"So what brings you to Pocatello kid?" He started the car.

"Just lookin' for someone."

"Oh. How old are you anyways, kid?" The guy asked as we started to drive on the freeway.

"10, today's my birthday." I replied.

"Well, happy birthday kid."

"I've got a name, you know? It's Cora. Do you gotta name?" I asked.

The boy smiled. "Yeah, it's Logan."

HAHAHA! Cliffhanger!


2nd chapter is done!

& Smile! (trust me it's great)


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