-Ch.1 Pt.3- 'The Fight'

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Enjoy the story!
italics = thinking / thoughts
normal = story
"normal" = speaking aloud
Bold = A/N
Bold Underline = POV (point of view) / special information
POV : 3rd Person
Location : Common Room (Dorms)
Time : 4:20pm

Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, Iida, Uraraka, Momo, Todoroki, and Tokoyami were all in the common room when Bakugo entered the room with a bright red face.
"Hey Blasty! Wanna play spin the bottle with us?"
"It May get your mind off of Midoriya for the time being!" Kaminari patted a spot between him and the red head.
"Ok." Bakugo sat down with a big sigh.
"Hey what's wrong? You seem kinda pent up." Kirishima put his arm behind Bakugo's shoulders. Bakugo swatted Kiri's arm away,
"DON'T TOUCH ME SHITTY HAIR!" Momo laughed and went to get a bottle from the kitchen.
"WHATS SO FUNNY PONYTAIL?!" Bakugo shouted at Momo.
"Oh.. nothing." She said with a smirk across her face.
Time Skip: 12 min later
"Ok, is everyone prepared for spin the bottle!!" Uraraka said as she spun the bottle.

POV: Eijirou Kirishima
Location : Common room (dorms)
Time : 5:48pm

When will I land on Bakugo? It's already been like forever.. I mean if It does land on him and me I would be thrilled but, I think he likes someone else.. considering he did barge in the building with a huge blush on his face.. wait a minute—


"Hey Bakubro! You coming back to the dorms with us? Me and Kaminari have a super manly horror movie to watch! And you're invited!!" I cheerily said while grabbing Bakugo's shoulders.
"NO! AND LET GO OF ME!!" He yelled. I put my hands back to my side.
"So do you wanna watch it later tho?"
"Ugh. Yeah sure. But I have to take care of something first. AND DON'T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT!" He pointed to me with a pissed off look.
"Ok! We will catch up with you later!!"
Kaminari said as we waved goodbye.
We started walking away but I look behind me and saw Bakugo walking towards the nurses office.

End of Flashback

POV : Still Eijirou Kirishima
Wait.. he had to take care of something.. I remember seeing him sorta get pink when he said that— wait.. no he can't!
"KIRISHIMA!" Bakugou wracked the back of my head.
"It's your turn shitty hair." I nodded and spun the bottle.





It landed on Bakugo. I felt a blush on my face.
"Ooooooh~~" the girls said as they leaned in closer.
"Come on! Do it!" Mina whispers to me.
I blushed super hard and looked over to Bakugo. Oh. I guess this is a one way thing. He's not blushing at all.. OR, he's just hiding it!! Yeah! No Kiri, don't get your hopes up. If he likes someone else.. he likes someone else.
"STOP SPACING OUT ROCK ARMS!!" That got my attention. I slowly went to kiss him but he quickly went in for it. All the girls were cheering at this moment. OMG this is really happening! I thought. His lips are so smooth and soft.. he's a great kisser. He pulled away and sat back down with no change of expression. I looked around and the girls looked almost sad. I mean, Mina knows I have a crush on Bakugo.. Why am I trying so hard? He didn't even flinch when the bottle landed on him. He didn't show emotion when we kissed.. I just guess it's not meant to be.. Well, at least I'm still his friend!! Right..?

POV : 3rd Person
Location : Common Room (Dorms)
Time : 6:00pm

Spin the bottle was a great game to begin with but after Kirishima and Bakugo kissed.. it kinda got awkward until..
Midoriya walked in with a bandaged up forehead and chin. He went to go to his room before Uraraka invited him to spin the bottle.
"Ugh Fine. Imma go change first. These clothes are burnt as hell. Why didn't recovery girl give me new ones?" He said walking in the direction of his room.
Time Skip : 10 min later
"Ok, are we starting?" Midoriya said as he plopped himself next to Tokoyami.
"HELL YEAH!! The fun is just starting!!" Mina yelled as she lifted up the bottle in celebration. Everyone laughed except for Izuku and Bakugo who just sat there.
"Yikes. The tension is tough!" Mina jokingly said.
"Ok let's start! Midoriya you go first!" Mina held out the bottle to Midoriya.
"Why can't you start? You do have the bottle." Midoriya barked.
"No I insist." Mina tosses the bottle to Midoriya in which he caught it.
"Fine. Whatever you say." Midoriya spun the bottle.





It landed on Iida.
"Wait a moment! Iida's here?" Midoriya said.
"To be honest I didn't want to be here because this game is not appropriate for our ages but Mina wouldn't stop whining." Iida claimed while moving towards Midoriya.

[insert kiss scene]

"Omg!! You two, honestly, would look so cute as a couple!!" Mina shouted.
"GOD! Can we continue without your idiotic fan girling?!" Bakugo snapped at Mina.
"Bakugo! Do not yell at your fellow class mates! That is not very gentlemanly of you!"
"SHUT UP ENGINE PIPE!" Bakugo grabbed a pillow and chucked at Iida which he dogged.
[You Got One Point]
"Guess it's my turn now." Iida said while ignoring Bakugo's remarks.

POV : Katsuki Bakugo
Location : Common Room (Dorms)
Time : 7:30pm

This game is so damn boring. Is there seriously anything fun about kissing your close friends? It's just gross. I even had to kissed the bird for brains kid!! I swear I wanted to gag sooo bad. How can a bird kiss though?! I don't know..
"KACCHAN! ITS YOUR TURN!!" Midoriya yelled.
Midoriya stood up and I was ready to fight this bastard. Everyone backed off, even Iida. Surprising.
"Guys.. Can we calm down and just play the game.." Tokoyami's shadow spoke.
I ignored that off brand demon and continued to put my casual insults on the nerd.
"Oh yeah?" I started to puff out some explosions from my hands trying to scare deku.
"WEAK! I TOLD YOU—" He winged in a punch on my side
I shot an explosion at his abdomen which made him fly back hitting the kitchen wall.
He fell on the floor not getting up.
This is my chance. I thought. I walked over to him, picked him up by his hair and threw him into the wall again.
"IM NOT SO WEAK AM I DEKU?!" I yelled exploding his clothes.
"HEY QUIT IT!!" Mina yelled as she trues to spew her acid at me.
"NOT SO FAST RACCOON EYES!!" I shot and explosion at her and she fell to the ground admitting her defeat. I saw Iida run out of the building. Shit. He's probably going to Aizawa. I fell onto the floor with a huge pain in my back. I can't get up. What the fuck- I tried to get up but I couldn't move any of my limbs.
"So.." I saw Midoriya's ugly bright ass shoes.
"SO WHAT?!" I yelled but got kicked in the stomach. Holy shit—

POV : 3rd Person
Bakugo was laying on the ground motionless. Izuku kicked Bakugo in the stomach as a reward to Bakugo's remark.
"Don't talk back to me or I will kill you."
You could see the pain in Bakugo's eyes.
Mr. Aizawa walked in and grabbed Izuku with his ropes.
"HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Izuku yelled at the man trying to escape.
"Iida. Go get Bakugo and bring him to the nurse. Be careful though."
Aizawa got Izuku and walked out of the building.


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Total Words : 1,351

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