Special Reynico Special, Very Special

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Um, Hi... I haven't been very present here lately. Scary I know. I've just needed to emotionally correct myself. I don't feel any better but It's the day we've ALL been waiting for. I hope. I just want to apologize for the cringe that you will find below. I tried to fix it but I can only delete some much for it to still be the same thing. I wrote this in August of 2018. Scary month. Very interesting things happened but ummmm. Onward...

To The Seven, Calypso and Nico:

What's your favorite ship?

Frazel -Frank

Frazel! -hazel

Caleo -leo

Who's Caleo?! -Everybody

Me and Leo -Calypso

You hooked up with Leo? -Jason

Oh yeah she did! Ha Ha!!!! -Leo

And she's not regretting it? -Percy

No hard feelings Percy... -Calypso

?!?!?! -Annabeth

She liked me but you were the only one my mind... Don't kill me plz!! -Percy

Fine. -Annabeth

Percabeth for life peeps! -Percy

Maybe -Calypso

*steps out of shadow* I agree with Calypso for once... But Percy's not my type -Nico

Ahhh!!! -Everybody

Hands Off!!! -Annabeth

Pernico for life!! -Jason

Jason Grace! -Piper

I agree with pipes -Percy

*Nods* -Everybody

*Hiss* He's mine!! -Annabeth

I like Percabeth! -Piper

If i could choose two I would choose percabeth as a second one -Hazel

Same -Frank

Oh Yeah! -Percy

I love you Seaweed Brain -Annabeth

Oh yeah you do -Percy

*Kisses in corner*

Awwwww!!! -Piper and Hazel

I'm Happy For Them! -Frank

*Cries in corner* PERNICO!! -Jason

You'll get over it right Calypso? -Nico

*Kisses Leo* Sure -Calypso

? -Nico

It's okay Jason!!! -Piper * Kisses Jason to make him stop crying*

We might as well do it to? -Hazel *Kisses Frank*


Day 7: Who's your least favorite female Character?

I've been trying to figure this one out for a week. I don't know. 

Disclaimer: my computer is glitching a little bit due to all these spaces. I use Grammarly and it's glitching really hard so I'm sorry if the grammar's bad. I tried to proof read but everytime I read something's weird and I don't want to read this thing several times cause it pains me. This might be my worst work ever.  I tried. 

If you want more #Ask_The_Demigods from me or your questions answered then comment or whatever. Whatever you feel like. I don't feel the need to pressuring people into things they don't want do.

I could've added more but Reynico hasn't had any new fan anything in forever. Unless you want art. 


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