The Run...

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As he ran through the night, jumping into the air and glided at times to go faster, looking for a cave that was too ordinary. Slowly catching up was SimpleCrafting.

"Are... you... sane...?" SimpleCrafting choked out. Simple was getting tired from all the flying.

"I must get to her. I promised I would help her if she was in need of ANYTHING, and this is more than anything. She never screams. She's... she's... she's braver than..." he slowed his pace and then came to a stop. He realized something. He was afraid. Scared to confront what took Kanade. He sat down and just quietly cried.

SimpleCrafting sat next to him and leaned onto him and teleported GarbageLover to him. She didn't know what was going on at first though saw him crying and SimpleCrafting signaling her to sit with him. Thorn spoke again,

"I wish I didn't leave her, thinking she would be alright!" With sobs breaking up his words.

"Thorn this isn't all your fault. I mean Kanade, she a tough nut. It ain like she will get into serious trouble. She has kept peace with factions for so long and never slipped up, this is jut her one slip up that proves her human." GarbageLover said comfortingly. It wasn't poetic though better than nothing.

"Though if she needed help with something she would possibly yell at one of the online players to come to her aid. This is different. Kanny... Kanny might have lost all her items... or maybe even worse-" Thorn hiccuped and sobbed again. Simple understood what might have been worse. LoneWolves could have gotten to her and then possibly forced her to tell them where her base is. Nobody knows where that is, not even Thorn. If he did, he would possibly go there everyday. Yet, she might be living with her brother, which nobody in the faction quite adores him. Still, if LoneWolves members got her, the faction is screwed.

"I don't know how I will be able to stand up to them is they truly got her, I'm just too scared. Their too over powered too. I don't think we even know where their base is! Let alone where they took Kanny!"

"So... what you are saying Thorn, is that you will let Kanny be in the hands of our enemy and be scared and not save her from something dangerous and you swore to save her from danger?"

"I DONT KNOW! I... I just don't know if i can stand up to something that powerful..." Thorn was giving off so many emotions at once, it felt like a never ending wave of negitivity.

"Oi if none of you are going to do anything about our leader, I will." Simple blurted out then marched away from them. He didn't consider on where he was walking so he fell of the cliff they were sitting on and thankfully into running water.

"I'm okay!" He shouted out from the bottom. Thorn flew down to help him out of the water and placed him on shore.

"I'll go back to the cave i talked with Kanny at. I like how you are braver than me to go save who you need. I will aid you in your search for her while letting you take all the credit." Thorn spoke, with a tinge of respect in his words for Simple. Thorn teleported to the mouth of the cave Kanade hopefully still is at. GarbageLover, SimpleCrafting was at his side in seconds.

"Wait. Isn't Kanade supposed to be on mumble?" GarbageLover looked at Thorn, hoping he knew.

Instead, he shook his head. "No. When she screamed it was cut off. She was automatically logged out. If she was still on, we wouldn't be doing this."

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