The Wedding

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Little Johnnys sister got married and they couldn't afford a honeymoon so they stayed at Johnnys moms house. When Johnny woke up he asked his mom "it's sister and her husband up yet" His mom said "No" So Johnny said "Do you wanna know what I think?" "/His mom said "I don't care what you think now go to school" Little Johnny went to school and when it was lunch time Johnny called his mom and asked her "Is sister and her husband up yet?" His mom said "No" So Johnny said "Do you know what I think?" His mom said "No now get back to class" So little Johnny went back to class. When little Johnny came home he asked his mom "Did sister and her husband wake up yet?" His mom said "No" So Johnny asked "Do you know what I think?" His mom said "Fine what do you think?!" Johnny said "Her husband came in my room last night and asked me for some lotion but I gave him super glue instead"

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