listen to me

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tonys pov; 

ive changed my mind im not going to tell dre that I am gay because I don't want to loose him but I am going to tell him that there will be a surprise for snow 

tony; ok so you know how snow has had a rough two days so I have diced to surprise her with ...

snows pov; 

I've just woken up and my dad and dre are still talking I diced to get out of bed to get my drawing pad and pencil then I get back in bed then i draw a cartoon version of the hype house without nikita and daisy because i hate them (i love them no hate against them its just a book) it looked good but my door opened and they both  came in my room 

daisy; hey brat do what we say and we wont hurt you and you will listen to us both oh and if you tell your dad we will make your life a living hell ok 

snow; yes 

nikita;good now listen these are your rules once you get better which will be tomorrow 

1; you will call us mum but if we are with everyone dont 

2; you will do our chores 

3; you will respect us

4; do as we say 

5 when you get asked for food you will say yes but  you will not eat a lot you will give it to me or daisy ok

if you disobay you will go to your room and we will hit you ok 

do you understand

snow; y-yes m-mum

daisy and nikita; good girl 

nikita; now we are going to go, wipe those tears you baby and make sure no one suspects a thing 

snow; ok sorry m-mum

they both walk out it just reminds me of miss Scott when she hurt me and called me names but anyway i have calmed down a bit then the door opend and i seen my dad 

dad; hey   

snow; hey please can i get out of bed to stretch my legs please 

dad; i guess if you need help then you shout on of us ok

snow; ok thanks 

i get out of bed to go sit near the pool and dip my legs in the water it was actually a bit cool then nikita came 

i said to myself "oh great"

nikita; hey brat what are you doing out of bed 

snow; well i asked my dad if i can streach my legs so ye 

nikita; oh ok I'm going to go now bye brat

snow; ok bye 

she walked away until i said that she came up to my face 

nikita; what did you just say 

snow; well i said ok bye 

nikita; and what did we tell you to say 

snow; oh umm I'm sorry i forgot i really am please dont hurt me 

nikita; i dont care we set the rules and you will not disobay me so go to your room right now 

adopted by tony LopezWhere stories live. Discover now