What did i say

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Tony's pov
Tony; you get your bags and get in the car right now
Snow; but
Tony; no I said now
She walked to grab her bags I pulled avani
Tony; why did you take her
Avani; I'm sorry she asked me and I let her sleep here
Tony; did you not know that she was grounded
Avani; no but she told me about nick he just screamed at her all because she pushed him
Tony; ok thanks anyway I have to go because Dre is in the car waiting
Avani;ok go easy on she is just a kid
Tony; ok I have to go 
I walked out of the door if you didn't know I'm really mad at snow I walked to the car I opened the door Dre is sat in the passenger seat I sat down without a word we started to drive back to the hype and it's so quite
Skip 1 hour
We made it back to the house snow got out and went in Dre pulled me
Dre; go easy on her
Tony; your the second person who has said that are you her dad
Dre; no
Tony; then don't tell me what to do with my kid
Dre; you know what Tony no you will stay in this car until you calm down and I don't care how long it takes
He grabs the keys and locks the doors
Tony; Dre please I haven't got time for this
Dre; no because you would hurt her or say something you will regret and I'm trying to prevent that from happening
Tony; ok can we go now I have calmed down
Dre; no it's not been 5 minutes
Tony; this is stupid and wasting my time
Dre; I don't care
I was sat there calming down and Dre was just looking at me
Tony;can I go now
Dre;ok go remember she is only 8
Tony; I know how old she is
He unlocks the doors I get out and grab her bag and take it in I see Thomas
Tony; where is she
Thomas; with the girls in Charli's room
Tony; ok
I walk to charli's room and see snow
Tony; you room now
Snow; ok fine
She gets up and walks to her room I follow her we go in her room and I shut the door
Tony; what did I say before I left
Snow; be good but
Tony; no snow be good I said what do you do oh ye you do the complete opposite and then you sleep at avani's what's that about
Snow; well I didn't want to be near nick so I asked her if I could sleep round
Tony; didn't nick tell you that you was grounded
Snow;well no but Thomas did
Tony; don't get smart with me do you not know what grounded means
Snow; well yes
Tony; well let me explain what it means so it can get in your head grounded means ....
I was about to start when there was a knock on the door I go and open it and it was kouvr
Kouvr;snow come here come with me to my room
She was about to walk out of the door
Tony; I don't thinks so she is in trouble
Kouvr; Tony she gets it you have been screaming and shouting at her for a full 5 minutes look she is crying and you keep shouting at her calm down and stay away from her for today
Tony; it's just that I try to take a break and I have to come back the next day
Kouvr; well just because your angry doesn't mean you can take it out on your own daughter and nick should of known that she was going to be mad and sad so why don't you go yell at him because he was in the wrong to
I guess she was right I was taking my anger out on my daughter kouvr is always right
Tony; ok kouvr you can take her I going out today she is your responsibility for today thx goodbye
Snow; dad where are you going
Tony; like I just said snow I'm going out now bye
I walked to the door and got in my car and drove around la
Snows pov;
Right now I'm in kouvr room crying and hugging her
Snow; does he hate me
Kouvr; of corse he doesn't he is just a bit angry and he is taking it out on you he will come back tonight
Snow; where is Dre
Kouvr; he is probably with everyone else
Snow;ok I need to go get change and I will be back

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